Series: Kingmaker Chronicles #1
Published by Sourcebooks Casablanca on August 2nd 2016
Genres: Fantasy, Mythology, Romance
Pages: 448
Format: Kindle Edition
Source: Publisher
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I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
“Cat” Catalia Fisa lives disguised as a soothsayer in a traveling circus. She is perfectly content avoiding the danger and destiny the Gods—and her homicidal mother—have saddled her with. That is, until Griffin, an ambitious warlord from the magic-deprived south, fixes her with his steely gaze and upsets her illusion of safety forever.
Griffin knows Cat is the Kingmaker, the woman who divines the truth through lies. He wants her as a powerful weapon for his newly conquered realm—until he realizes he wants her for much more than her magic. Cat fights him at every turn, but Griffin’s fairness, loyalty, and smoldering advances make him increasingly hard to resist and leave her wondering if life really does have to be short, and lived alone.
A great start to what is promising to be quite an original and new series!
Catalia “Cat” Fisa is a Magoi, a magic carrier. Not only is she a magic carrier, she is also the legendary Kingmaker who has escaped the clutches of her violent mother from Fisa and is pretending to be a soothsayer in a traveling circus.
Cat thought she was doing fine in hiding her identity until the non-magical Hoi Polloi warlord finds her and practically kidnaps her. Griffin is Beta Sinta and part of the non-magical family who somehow overthrown the last magical Magoi royals who ruled Sinta and now he needs Cat in order to bring peace to the land. Griffin knows Cat is the Kingmaker and knows that she is able to use her powers to divine the truth through lies and that she would make a powerful weapon for the new ruling family.
This was an interesting read. I picked this up because everyone and their mother’s were raving about this new series and I happen to be an old lover of fantasy, so I knew I had to read this and see what the fuss is all about.
A Promise of Fire is a great introduction into a new world that Amanda Bouchet has pasted together. I love that she uses Greek Mythology, I am a huge fan of Greek Mythology, so naturally I was excited to see what she can do with it.
I think it’s a bit hard to review the first in the series of the new fantasy books. There are a lot of holes to fill and it makes me as a reader a bit more frustrated. I also have to take into the account that even though this is a fantasy, it is not a traditional fantasy, but more of a romantic fantasy, so my expectations have to alter themselves.
We spend a lot of time following Cat and Griffin as they make their way towards Sinta and there is a lot of the same antagonistic play through the journey. As much as I enjoyed the bickering it was starting to feel a bit too repetitive and I felt like much of the book was spent traveling to Sinta and not enough of details of the world was given. I am a sucker for world building and although Bouchet did a great job with her first book, the details were murky at best.
What I did enjoy is the romance between Cat and Griffin and all the bickering between them. I do have to ask, is it just me or does Cat seem a lot younger than Griffin? A LOT. I get that she has a prickly exterior and for good reasons, but the level of maturity between the two was stark.
The humor alone was worth the read and Bouchet’s writing is just simply stunning. It really pulls you into this world and it’s hard to let go. It does make you want more, so much more and might be part of the reason I felt so frustrated. I wanted more details, I wanted to know more about the world and how Sinta, Fisa and Tarva function. the world and how Sinta, Fisa and Tarva function. I I think if readers who have no basic understanding of the Greek Mythology would find some stuff with the god’s mentioned a bit confusing to say the least.
I cannot wait to see how the secondary characters develop, the Alpha Sinta and her sister’s look like an interesting bunch. But, I was confused when Griffin promised Cat that once she meets his sister, she would understand why she was Alpha. I didn’t feel like Cat understood and neither did I to be honest. But, there is some potential for more romance between the princesses and the soldiers. I especially like the forbidden type aspect it’s got going here.
Also, Cat’s history is a huge background to this story and although no big reveal comes of it in this book (which I guess is really important moving forward) it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out what is going on, and who she really is. It is a bit baffling that Griffin is slow on the uptake.
Although all of it aside, I LOVED Griffin the best. I think there is a sense of mystery with him that I hope gets resolved in later books. He is a Hoi Polloi warlord but there is something different and special about it and I wonder HOW it came to that.
Overall, I am happy I gave this a shot. The writing was great, talented, and the humor was just what I needed. So I am definitely looking forward to more. I am officially sucked in and need more books and details to fill that hunger.
Memorable Quotes
“She talks big, but she’s made of custard.”
“Fluffy and full of cream?” Kato wiggles blond eyebrows at me. Carver grins. “Think she’s sweet, too?”
My eyes spit fire. “Bite me. You’ll find out.”
“You are not tying me up in a cave!”
Flinty eyes swing my way. “I can’t have you attached to me while I fight.”
“Untie me, then!”
He snorts, and I roll my eyes.
“Two hours, then the cave,” Beta Sinta says. “Enjoy the sunlight.”
My jaw goes slack. “Unless you’re planning on knocking me unconscious, dragging me to the temple, and practicing ventriloquy, I still have to say yes!”
Griffin’s face shuts down entirely.
“We’ll discuss this later.”
As long as I can get past the greek gods (stuck on page 10) maybe I will enjoy it…maybe
I’ve read nothing but good things about this story and I can’t wait to get my hands on it.
I really loved this as well and can’t wait to start book two!
I have heard good things about this one. I didn’t realize here was a good amount of humor to it though which a plus for me. Great review!!
I just finished this yesterday and totally loved it too! The humour was fantastic!
I felt sometimes Cat did feel younger too but I think it’s because we got to see her inner thoughts more and she’s a bit more heated compared to Griffin who seems a bit more aloof (until you know him, ha). And yes, so loved the secondary characters! I need Flynn and Jocasta, they’re so awkwardly adorable together!
Great review, Lily!
Hmm, I think he is 35 maybe and she is twenty something between 25-29.
I loved this one, I truly did, but I here you on feeling like she was very young and bratty at times. I do hope more of the worldbuilding and grander scheme of things comes out in the next few books.
Haha, yes, I forgot about his remark that she would see why his sister was alpha. I wondered that myself even after the meet and greet.
Loved your review, Lily!
I’m about 3/4 in and have loved what I read so far. I cannot wait finish it. I’m anticipating the twist of her identity. 🙂
Oh I really want to try this book, I heard a lot of great things about it. I learned not a long time ago that she is living in France so well I’m even more curious
I want to read this one!!
Glad you liked this one. I totally agree, I can’t believe that Griffin couldn’t piece it all together as far as Cat’s past.
Oh yes I love this one too! Cat is so spunky!
Too bad it didn’t quite wow you the way it did others, but the fact that you still really enjoyed it is such a plus for me. I’m totally going to have to read this one sooner rather than later. I think I need to meet Griffin… 🙂
I love this book so much! I have book two, but have not read it yet. At first, the age difference was strange (I think he’s early thirties, and she’s 24 ish?), but I love Cat and Griff’s dynamic. And this is definitely a unique fantasy series! I am sure it will be amazing overall. 😀
Wonderful review, Lily! I’m so glad you enjoyed this book. =)
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
Yes, this was sooo good! So excited for book two, I hope I don’t sound like too much of a perv if I say I hope book two is sexier 🙂
Nereyda│ Nick & Nereyda’s Infinite Booklist
Wow! I’m such a sucker for Mythology-themed stories, and by reading your review, I guess I’ll be adding this to my never-ending reading list, ha!
Awesome review Lily!
I haven’t read this author yet, but I’ve heard so many great things about her books. Sounds like the first book in this series is off to a great start! Lovely review!
Oh I just really liked this book and I love Greek mythology so that was a fun twist!!!
Sounds like a strong start of a new series! And that cover is really pretty, I know I’ve seen this one around a few times, but I haven’t read it. I also love world building and while it makes sense to not reveal everything in the first book at the same time I want to know as much as possible as soon as possible. I am glad to hear you enjoyed this one!
LOL everyone and their mother, indeed! It’s really gotten great reviews. I have it on my list for one day. I need to get caught up so I can dive in like you did!