Series: Standalone
Published by Berkley Books on February 21st 2017
Genres: Mystery, Thriller
Pages: 384
Format: Kindle Edition
Source: Publisher
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I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Every morning and evening, Zoe Walker takes the same route to the train station, waits at a certain place on the platform, finds her favorite spot in the car, never suspecting that someone is watching her...
It all starts with a classified ad. During her commute home one night, while glancing through her local paper, Zoe sees her own face staring back at her; a grainy photo along with a phone number and a listing for a website called FindTheOne.com.
Other women begin appearing in the same ad, a different one every day, and Zoe realizes they’ve become the victims of increasingly violent crimes—including murder. With the help of a determined cop, she uncovers the ad’s twisted purpose...A discovery that turns her paranoia into full-blown panic. Zoe is sure that someone close to her has set her up as the next target.
And now that man on the train—the one smiling at Zoe from across the car—could be more than just a friendly stranger. He could be someone who has deliberately chosen her and is ready to make his next move…
When Zoe Walker sees a picture of a woman that looks exactly like her in a classified ad for a FindTheOne.com, during her commute home from work, she finds herself more than a little concern. It doesn’t seem to help that despite the fact that she is sure that the picture is of her (but she doesn’t know where and how it was taken) her family doesn’t seem to feel the same way.
Not too long after, Zoe finds another woman that she knows of in the ad and the fact that a crime was committed against her. Soon a string of women appear, not too long after their pictures are displayed in the ad, with crimes committed against them.
Now Zoe is scared, not only for her own life, but how the ads might be related to the crimes.
This was an interesting story. It is told from the POV of Zoe Walker and also follows Kelly - a police officer that Zoe contacts about one of the women - that ends up working on the cases under a detective.
I admit, it took me a bit to get into the story and it wasn’t until about 40% in did I start to find myself invested. It felt slow at first, but once it took off I found it to be a real solid page turner.
I really liked the format of the book the most I think. I like how we got to see Zoe’s POV and how she was feeling and the fear she was dealing with while waiting for the police to do something. I also liked that we got to see Kelly in her role, while battling her own demons - and how the case slowly unfolded.
It was gripping, chilling, exciting, and nerve wrecking when it had at one point crossed my mind that things like this - can in fact happen.
It also makes me happier that I no longer take the subways in New York late at night like I use to before coming here.
Is the entire situation plausible? Maybe not. Not all women had crimes committed against them in the book, not all women followed, but there is a sense of realism to it that can feel a bit terrifying.
The ending was a bit nerve wracking and the epilogue was chilling. I wasn’t sure exactly if I agreed or liked, by the way things ended - because that part did not seem to make sense to me (about how someone like that is capable of what they did) - but nevertheless, the ending was jaw dropping and unexpected.
Overall, I really enjoyed this. Once the book started to move for me, I was immersed in the character and their stories. I wanted more, I needed to know who was behind this plan and what would come of it. As the layers peeled away, I found myself glued to the edge until the story was over.
Even if it took you a bit to connect to the story it’s nice to see you had a nice time there! I didn’t know about this one.
Sounds like a maybe for me
Someone else recently reviewed this and really liked it as well. I think I might have to pick this one up.
I’ve only read one CM book and I think her style is kinda meandering in the beginning then it gives you a rush midway. I missed this one but I’m sure my library would have this
The synopsis is terrifying in itself 🙂 But it sounds like the book has a lot of girl power in it, which is great!
I read her book last year and liked it. I have this on hold at the library. I am a touch concerned about that Epilogue. Sounds like one of those gotcha moments.
Wonderful review! What’s funny is I actually didn’t read this book; my mom did, but she told me about the entire story cover-to-cover (as she often does when she’s excited about a book), so it feels as though I have, haha. I completely agree with you about the format; that was one of my favorite aspects, too. I’m really glad you enjoyed this one! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such lovely comments on my reviews 🙂
Sounds like it was good you stuck with it to get that shocking ending. Oh, and the way this happens I’ll bet anyone who rides the subway will get the chills.
I’ll have to keep this one in mind.
I love when mystery/thrillers pull you in and keep you glued to its story.
So glad to see you enjoyed this one. I love edge of your seat reads! 🙂
Ooh this has a chilling premise and I love a good thriller! Sounds like it has a good payoff in spite of the slow start. Glad you enjoyed it!
Ooooo, a thriller! I don’t read nearly enough of those. But it took you until nearly the halfway point to feel really invested… that seems like too long! I like to be hooked by the quarter mark at the latest. Still, it sounds like you enjoyed the book overall! Great review, Lily!
I hope you enjoy this book when you get the chance to read it!
Have a wonderful week. =)
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
This does sound like a page turner. Too bad it took so long to get into the story, though. I might have to check this one out. Wonderful review, Lily! 🙂
Yes, the realistic aspect of this story was quite chilling.
You know what, this one really has me torn. I’ve started reading it, but the beginning dragged so much I couldn’t even make it to 40%. But all the reviews I’ve read lovvvve it! I’m beginning to think this must be me. Hm.
I’ve been seeing this book around a lot lately and I must admit that it got me curious, especially now that you mentioned the chilling, jaw dropping and unexpected ending! Plus, I really don’t mind a stand-alone from time to time so, why not, right?
i have this one on mu TBR. I love these kinds of books but I hate when they take that long to get into. Great review!!
Sounds like there was a lot of plot building to get you involved in this one. The mystery behind her picture and the crimes is interesting too!
Oh, this sounds so great! I haven’t been reading a lot of thrillers lately, so this may be a good pick to get back into it 🙂
I liked this one as well but I do remember that it took me a bit to really get into the story. The ending had me glued to the pages.
I just recently started reading thrillers, and they are so great to get into. Great review, Lily. 🙂
Torn on this one - I wasn’t crazy about her first book - it also took a long time to get into and I am not patient these days! Great review!
I think my comment got eaten but I felt the same way about her first book. It took a long time to get interesting. So I’m not sure I will try this..
Jen @ YA Romantics