Series: Transference #1
Published by Crown Books for Young Readers on February 21st 2017
Genres: Young Adult, Fantasy
Pages: 304
Format: Paperback
Source: Publisher
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I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Fans of Julie Kagawa’s Talon and Renee Ahdieh’s The Wrath and the Dawn will devour this action-packed fantasy adventure about a girl who chooses to surrender herself to a deadly dragon rather than marry an enemy prince.
When two warring kingdoms unified against a deadly menace laying waste to both their lands, they had to make a choice: vow to marry their heirs to one another, or forfeit their lives to the dragon.
Centuries later, everyone expects the sheltered princess Sorrowlynn to choose the barbarian prince over the fire-breathing beast—everyone, that is, except Sorrow, who is determined to control her own destiny or die trying.
As she is lowered into the dragon’s chamber, she assumes her life is over until Golmarr, the young prince she just spurned, follows her with the hopes of being her hero and slaying the dragon. But the dragon has a different plan. . . .
If the dragon wins, it will be freed from the spell that has bound it to the cave for centuries. If Sorrow or Golmarr vanquish the dragon, the victor will gain its treasure and escape the cave beneath the mountain. But what exactly is the dragon hiding?
There are no safe havens for Sorrow or Golmarr—not even with each other—and the stakes couldn’t be higher as they risk everything to protect their kingdom.
I really don’t know where to start or how to feel about this book, so I am going to go ahead and break it down into parts and generalize I guess? I was on a fantasy kick and had got this one for review and despite it not rating high on goodreads, I was like, well it’s here, it’s about dragons? WHY NOT?
Hoo boy, this book and I were just off to a rocky start from the beginning
Lack of World building - Like this book just barely had any of it okay? It’s a fantasy book, set in a world and we don’t know much about it and it just felt like we were told this is how it is and we are supposed to accept it. There is a ton of other races mentioned in this book, but we don’t know much about them or why they are at war and the things we learn feel like bits and pieces of a bigger picture.
So we got these two kingdoms that are bound by a promise a vow to marry their heirs to one another, or forfeit their lives to the dragon. Apparently it’s because many years ago a war waged and a dragon was released and now to keep the dragon bound by magic, this needs to happen every time there is an heir. There is a clause apparently because the horse lord heir does not have to take one of the Faodaran, they can reject them, feed an animal in place as a sacrifice and move on with their life until the next heir comes along. Or, the princess can reject the proposed marriage - should it come - and be fed to the dragon.
So Sorrowlynn (named because she was predicted to die by her own hand) does not want to marry the savage/barbaric horse tanned skinned horse lord and chooses the dragon instead - because she did not get the memo that ANY of the heirs can propose marriage.
Two things wrong here
One, as you might have figured Sorrowlynn is a white proper princess and the horse lords are tan skinned and are called savage/barbaric people… - sigh- am I the only one who sees racism here? I’m starting to wonder if this is the reason this book got the reviews that it did. I wanted to give it a benefit of the doubt, but every time she spoke of the horse lords, Sorrowlynn had a racism pouring out of her. Barbaric and savage were words used one too many times. Also, I think the author is a fan of game of thrones because this sounds a lot like Daenerys inspired storyline here?
So apparently Sorrowlynn binds herself to being dragons yummy yummy food before the young horse lord Golmarr steps forward and proposes marriage. Oh but when she learns that he can do that - even thought he hinted it prior - she is like oh okay I can live with that? Too late, you are bound and dragon food. Maybe Golmarr shouldn’t have spoken in riddles, since intelligence is not her strongest asset. Oh, but you know what is? Her virginity. If she wasn’t a virgin no one would want her and the royal family would go to war over it…Okay? Even thought the king absolutely does not like her very much, for reasons. So she is lowered into the mountain and Golmarr decides to throw his life on the line and help save the princess who was nothing but vicious towards him.
After a lot of walking and a lot of thoughts of suddenly wanting to kiss Golmarr we get to the special part of the book
Sorrowlynn who has no experience what so ever with combat, get’s lucky and slays the dragon. Not only giving herself the special kind of snowflake status, but inadvertently stealing his thunder and destiny.. Like thanks, you know? I get it, girl power and all that, but it was still kind of blah.
I felt like Sorrowlynn had zero personality. The only thing she was good at for most of the book is looking down at people. This is why I did not understand half the time why people were so willing to sacrifice their lives for her.
Overall, I felt like the writing was lacking a bit. It reads like a younger than Young Adult but there were a lot of subjects that read more adult. Lot’s of mentions of her special her virginity is and how Golmarr could not wait to marry her so he can take her to bed, ugh… Also, I found some inconsistency in the story but I cannot go into it without complete spoilers. Okay moving on.
The only reason I gave it two stars because the ending made me sort of happy, heh.
Ugh, no thank you
Too bad this was such a mess, it really sounded promising.
Oh, boy. I’m surprised no one has dragged this book over on Twitter just yet.
yeah. hard pass. definitely.
Sorry to see you didn’t enjoy this one. No world building in a fantasy is never a good thing.
I can imagine your frustration with this one. A story that lacks word building is bound to have problems.
Yikes! Yeah, this one would have me pondering the wrongs and not so much engaging in the story I think. I’d have snagged it up just for the dragons, but I think I’ll resist.
Thanks, Lily!
Oh lame. I was so excited when I first saw this cover floating around, but I honestly haven’t really seen anything good about it. A pity, because it sounds like a halfway interesting premise. Great review!
~ Michelle @ FaerieFits
Oh jeez, I’ll take your word for it and give a hard pass. That gif though. lol!
It really sounds like a mess . . . What a shame. As soon as you said lack of World building, I was “Nope, definitely not the one to opt for. “
I’m sorry this was such a disappointment, but also not sorry because this review is hilarious and the special snowflake GIF has me rolling! Love it!
She has no combat training but she slays the dragon? That’s… believable o.0 She also just sounds like an unlikeable character. I think I will pass on this one!
This sounds like a mess… It is funny though that she can choose between marriage and feeding herself to the dragon :)) She looks at the guy, then at the dragon, then at the guy again and she’s like: ‘The dragon it is’ XD
But racism, really?? Yeah, the world is still an ugly place 🙁
Nice review, Lily!
Ronnie @ Paradise Found
Well dang, that’s definitely unfortunate! I’m not a fan of the “special snowflake” character so I can see why this can be annoying! And that’s extra unfortunate about the racism undertone!
Hope your next read is better! Thanks for the review!