Series: Darkest Powers #2
Published by HarperCollins on March 23rd 2010
Genres: Young Adult, Paranormal
Pages: 360
Format: Paperback
Source: Bought
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You don't have to be alive to be awakened.
Chloe Saunders is a living science experiment—not only can she see ghosts, but she was genetically altered by a sinister organization called the Edison Group. She's a teenage necromancer whose powers are out of control, which means she can raise the dead without even trying. Now Chloe's running for her life with three of her supernatural friends—a charming sorcerer, a cynical werewolf, and a disgruntled witch—and they have to find someone who can help them before the Edison Group catches them.
Or die trying.
The Awakening is the second book in the Darkest Power series and it follows directly in the aftermath of book one.
This review will contain spoilers from book one, so turn back now if you are not interested.
Chloe and Rachelle are captured after fleeing the Lyle House by the Edison Group - a group that seems to be responsible for what they are. After learning some unsettling facts about herself, Chloe and Tori break out and regroup with Derek and Simon to escape the Edison Group and find Andrew - their father’s friend.
Meanwhile, the Edison Group is hot on their heels and are refusing to give up.
This was another interesting reading. I am just completely addicted to Armstrong’s writing. I think she weaves and tells a story well and there is just something about the way she crafts her story and characters that makes it impossible for me to put down. I flew through the book and now sitting here awaiting book three to arrive in my mailbox.
The characters are slowly starting to grow and develop more. I like the long way Tori came from book one, but I also like the fact that she isn’t perfect and is still very Tori.
I adore the relationship between Derek and Chloe and how of all the characters they seem to click and understand each other the most. That being said, it does disappoint me a little that there is this weird triangle going on between Chloe, Derek, and Simon - one that I do not seem to understand. Chloe and Simon don’t have a connection at all and are barely together in the book. The relationship between Chloe and Derek is well fleshed out, so I am worried going into the last book to see where exactly this is going.
The ending of the book was intense and kept me on the edge of the seat but it did end a little abruptly and left me wanting to know what happens next.
Overall, this was another great read. Everyone’s powers are still developing so it’s kind of interesting to see how these kids are not perfect and don’t have much control and are still working on figuring themselves out as they try to survive.
This sounds good, I am reading one of her adult novels now, and love her writing.
I skimmed as I haven’t read any of these. I’m pretty sure my sister did though - and liked them. Yay for character growth! 🙂
I meant to try this series ages ago
I love that you are revisiting all these old series. I eyed this one when it came out and never got around to it. I need to go back because I do love Armstrong’s writing as well.
I’ve always wondered about this series, so thank you!!!
Having you riveted and then needing to know what happens next makes me more eager for this series when I get the chance.
I hope to eventually read this series … well, any of Armstrong’s boos, really. Btw, your little pumpkin “raters” are adorable.
I haven’t read anything from this author, but she’s been on my to be read list for a long time. I love a book that keeps me on the edge of my seat.
Great review. 🙂
This is a series that I do want to read. I think I have the first book ready to go on my kindle. I am glad to see that you enjoyed it!
I think I have a book in the series but I haven’t read it yet. One day!
This series was my first Armstrong read and the one that made me fall in love with her writing. I’m so excited you are not only reading it but liking it too!
I’ve been meaning to try this book for quite a while now and, after reading your thoughts, I have a very good feeling about it. *thumbs up* Thanks for reviewing this, I’ll have to make some space for it in the near future 🙂
Who can raise the death without even trying? Then on the run with three of her supernatural friends?! This one sounds like a perfect Halloween read Lily. Added!
I never read the author’s work before. The premise sounds good and the story seems exciting. I think i will look into this one. Great review.
I have yet to get to this series but I want to try it! I love this author’s writing and I’m behind on her other series as well. Thanks for the reminder.
I’m planning to read this series, Lily. Been wanting to for almost a year. Awesome review, my friend. 😁❤️