Series: standalone
Published by Gallery/Scout Press on July 19, 2016
Genres: Psychological Thriller
Pages: 352
Format: Paperback
Source: Won
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In this tightly wound, enthralling story reminiscent of Agatha Christie’s works, Lo Blacklock, a journalist who writes for a travel magazine, has just been given the assignment of a lifetime: a week on a luxury cruise with only a handful of cabins. The sky is clear, the waters calm, and the veneered, select guests jovial as the exclusive cruise ship, the Aurora, begins her voyage in the picturesque North Sea. At first, Lo’s stay is nothing but pleasant: the cabins are plush, the dinner parties are sparkling, and the guests are elegant. But as the week wears on, frigid winds whip the deck, gray skies fall, and Lo witnesses what she can only describe as a dark and terrifying nightmare: a woman being thrown overboard. The problem? All passengers remain accounted for—and so, the ship sails on as if nothing has happened, despite Lo’s desperate attempts to convey that something (or someone) has gone terribly, terribly wrong…
I took one look at the quote on the back cover “if you’re a fan of Agatha Christie…” and read a few of my favorite book bloggers talking this one up and I just had to read it. I was unfamiliar with the author until this book released so I was eager to give her a try.
Well, I really wanted to say I loved this one and I was riveted, but that turned out not to be the case. I think I went in with incredibly high expectations and an expectation of a Christie whodunnit when this wasn’t Christie and it wasn’t fair to give it such a high standard to reach. This one was by no means lousy and the writing was strong and good. The setting of a cruise off the coast of Norway and the assembled group of high flyers and travelers was a nice International Intrigue feeling. There is a sense of wondering if the narrator is reliable or not which I do love. I liked the ‘did it really happen that way? Was it even real?” Quite a clever premise and set up.
But, when it came down to it, The Woman in Cabin 10 turned out to be a so-so read for me until the last third when it finally grabbed me. If I hadn’t seen others I trust loving on it, I might very well have stopped reading early on.
I didn’t connect with the female protagonist, Lo. I didn’t hate her, but I didn’t exactly like her or admire her either. She’s not a nice person and she drinks enough to destroy her liver and is definitely an alcoholic which is nuts since she’s got an anxiety disorder and is on medication. I think I was meant to be wary of connecting with her and wondering about her part in all this.
No, what almost had me it setting aside was me impatiently waiting for something to happen between little blips of action or suspense. I found the action-suspense points good, but the slow built to each one had me drifting as I flipped pages waiting for the next intense moment. I didn’t feel like there was a point to much of it like it was treading water until the next momentous event could occur and I spent a lot of time in Lo’s head which wasn’t interesting to me and was frankly annoying because she dwells on stuff and leaps with her logic. To be fair, I might not have been in the right frame of mind for this style of psychological thriller. I think I was looking for a more pounding pace which is why the last portion was when I finally clicked with this book. It just took off like a rocket and left me breathless and twitching for what would come next.
So, in the end, I was glad to have read this one and I do want to read more of the author’s books, but now I know what to expect and I think that will make all the difference in the world.
Ware, ware. I am sure the library has the previous book she wrote, but they might have this one too, or only this one. I know I have seen smth 🙂
I saw a different one of hers that I want to try now that I know what to expect. I might like it better with a different heroine or if the plot moves along differently.
I’m still not sure about this one. I do want to try the author as she is new to me though.
I think when you’re in the mood for a flawed character and a slow build suspense would be when to grab this one up, Laura. 🙂
When this was first released, I was determined to try it bc Ruth Ware was getting such rave reviews for her book In a Dark Dark Wood which I didn’t like. I was hoping this would be a better read. But as I started reading reviews, I began to see how mixed they were, and it’s slipped down and down on my TBR. Maybe I’ll just wait for her next one.
I didn’t see the mixed reviews until afterward, but I probably still would have gone in excited. I would definitely put it on the list of books you have less expectation from, Verushka. 🙂
I really loved this one, but I’ve seen pretty mixed reviews of it too, so it really depends on the person. LOL I haven’t read anything else by the author but I want to check out her first book In a Dark Dark Wood.
For me, it was probably the high expectations that put me off it. I think if I’d just picked it up on my own and taken a cautious approach, I might not have been as disappointed. It definitely wasn’t all bad. I want to read In a Dark Dark Wood, too. 🙂
I’ve seen such increibly mixed reviews of this one - and all of Ware’s books, really. She seems to have a certain style that either works for readers or doesn’t.
You’re probably right because I did see some really high ratings and reviews. I also got the impression that I would do better with another run at her books now that I know her writing style.
This is on my TBR, sorry it wasn’t the best read for you, myster/women’s fiction can be like this I feel like.
True. It definitely had a women’s fic feeling to it for much of the book. I got into it when it got to the exciting twists and turns nearer the end. I think if you go in with moderate expectations and that you’re getting a slow mover, you’ll probably be alright. 🙂
I liked but didn’t love this one. I thought the setting was unique and it kept me guessing a bit, but the unreliable narrator trope is becoming overused, I think.
Yes, the setting was neat with the suspects all trapped on the ship together. I wanted to like it more, but it just didn’t get there.
I was hoping this would be a good read and it sounds like it was for the most part even if it wasn’t great. Glad you did like it and nice review!
Yes, overall it was worth the read. You just have to go in expecting a slow build and a heroine that has a few flaws. 🙂
Oof, I think I’ve seen this one around occasionally, all of which are positive. Perhaps it just didn’t work out for you or you weren’t in the mind of this one. Sorry this didn’t turn out well for you, Sophia, but I’m glad you are still willing to try the author’s other works! Hopefully they’ll be a better experience. 🤗
That is very possible, Sophia. I had expectations that went a different direction from the actual story. I think if I pick up another one then I’ll try to go in with none of those and probably do better.
I hate when our incredibly high expectations turn into a disappointment . . . Well, perhaps not a complete one, but you know what I mean. I was curious about this book, but I think I’m gonna wait a while longer before giving it a go, especially since there are so many mixed feelings about it. Thanks for the honest review, though, Sophia 🙂
Yes, it is such a crash to the ground after soaring with expectation.
Good idea to wait until you’re in the right mood for it, Sylvia.
I really enjoyed this one I was deep into one of my thriller binges but yes I didn’t love the characters.
I had issues with pacing in one of her earlier works, so I haven’t totally been rushing to this one even though it’s totally my genre it seems.