Happy monday everyone. I hope you all have enjoyed your weekend. Now it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get back to work. While you are having your coffee, I have an interview for you today with the author of The Wrong Bride (Highland Weddings #1), Gayle Callen. The book is being released October 27th 2015 by Avon, please look for my review on it later this week. Welcome to NightOwl Book Cafe, Gayle Callen and thank you so much for joining us and answering a few questions for us readers.

I’m happy to be here, thanks!
For those new to your writing, tell us a bit about your new series Highland Weddings, especially the first book in the series, The Wrong Bride
THE WRONG BRIDE is part of my first trilogy set in Scotland. Two warring clans decide to make peace with an arranged marriage. When the bride’s side tries to back out, the groom feels justified in a kidnapping. Problem is—he kidnaps the wrong bride!
What are the three things you love about Hugh McCallum ?
Hugh is a man intent on proving to his clan that they can respect and trust him, even though they’ve spent little time with him.
He may have kidnapped Riona, but he still intends to woo her and be patient.
He sometimes thinks his way is the right way… (or maybe that’s common to men in general?)
What about your favorite moment in The Wrong Bride?
I really like the first kiss scene. They’ve arrived at the clan castle, and Riona has now realized she has some power over Hugh, her kidnapper. She’ll keep quiet about the kidnapping (since she knows no one will believe her anyway), while she’s trying to find a way to escape, but in exchange, she wants answers and explanations from him. He admires her daring, and to show her he’s still in control, he kisses her. And the fun part is that this whole scene takes place while Riona is in the bathtub. Her refusal to back down in such a vulnerable situation made me smile.
Did you find any part of this book difficult to write?
Coming up with the ending was difficult, because I needed it to tie into the next book, THE GROOM WORE PLAID (March 2016). But I can’t tell you details without giving it away!
If The Wrong Bride got cast as a movie, who would you imagine would play the role of Hugh McCallum and Riona?
I love Hugh Jackman. He could play MY Hugh any day. As for Riona, I think Scarlet Johansen could pull it off.
How will the rest of the books in the series differ from this one?
The first two books are connected because of a marriage contract signed when all were children. In the first book, Hugh is determined to claim his rightful bride, and when her family balks, he kidnaps her. In the second book, THE GROOM WORE PLAID, I can’t give details without revealing too much, but let’s just say that the heroine is haunted by a vision of her groom dying on her wedding day, so naturally, she resists getting married! As for the third book, I haven’t written it yet, so who knows…
What inspired you to write a Highlander romance, or historical romance in general?
I fell in love with historical romance the first time I read Kathleen Woodiwiss’s SHANNA. Before that, I was a sci fi and fantasy girl, but AFTER that, I dove into historicals. They’re still my favorite type of book to read, so naturally, it’s the first thing I wanted to write. I was first published in medievals for six books, then I moved to the Victorian era for many books. I decided it was time for a new challenge, and Scotland seemed the most exciting to me!
Do you have a favorite trope in romance?
I love marriage of convenience stories.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you visit?
Scotland! After all the research I’ve done these last few months, I’m ready to see some Highlands and lochs.
Your favorite Highlander in books or movies?
Jamie Frazer from OUTLANDER. He’s the reason I set this trilogy right around the same time period.

If you are celebrating Halloween, do you have any traditions with your family?
We do all love to dress up—including dressing up the dog! She’s been the wolf that ate grandmother and Sven the reindeer from FROZEN.
Outside of writing your next book, do you have any other small project you are working on in life?
I love to crochet. Every time a new baby is on its way, I start a new baby blanket or sweater.
Thanks for the great interview!
Awww, that cover is so cute! Awwww
blodeuedd recently posted…One wild winter’s eve - Anne Barton
Gayle Callen
Aw, thank you! The cover gods smiled on me!
I like the sound of this one. I bet it is funny. I can only imagine the mayhem of two warring clans, and then the wrong girl is kidnapped. Have a wonderful week.
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Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
LOL he kidnapped the wrong bride? I think I need to read this book! Thanks for the fun interview

Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews recently posted…Review: Wrong - Jana Aston
Gayle Callen
So maybe he wasn’t exactly thinking… 😉
Renee (Lover of Romance)
LOVED this book, so fun and love the set up of the story. What a fun interview. Scotland is gorgeous and the people are so open and friendly. Although it does get pretty chilly there, no matter what time of the year you go.
Angela @ Simply Angela
I’ve seen a lot of Highlander romances center around the kidnapping a bride trope, but I’ve never seen one where they kidnapped the wrong bride, so I’m eager to see how this one goes. I’m adding it to my TBR list.
Angela @ Simply Angela recently posted…A Moment of Weakness by Brooklyn Skye
Melissa (Books and Things)
Men in kilt. Really that is all you need to say to me, but this sounds like fun. I also love that it sets up the next book well.
Jaime Frazer. Yes. Thanks so much for that pic!! 😀
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Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog
Oh what a fun interview!! Books sounds great and love Scotland as a setting!
Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog recently posted…Review ~ The Sister Pact
I’m really not a fan of this genre, though I used to be. That being said I think I’ll buy this book, I’m intrigued on what happens when he finds out he got the wrong bride hahaha
LilyElement recently posted…New Releases 10/27/2015
lol, now I am curious how he manages to kidnap the wrong bride, sounds like a great start of the book! And that’s sweet Hugh still plans on wooing her even though he kidnapped her, although I guess kidnapping her doesn’t set the right mood. I am still pretty new to the historical romance genre, but I am trying to read more books in the genre.
I am lucky enough to be able to say that I’ve visited Scotland and it’s amazing, I would love to return there one day. It’s such a beautifull country! Great Interview!
Lola recently posted…Cover Reveal: Collision by Emma L. Adams
Awww Jamie, hard not to love that one. 😉
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Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger
What a dummy to kidnap the wrong bride lol but what a funny situation! Marriages of conveniences can definitely be fun.

Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger recently posted…Quote-tastic Review #4: Big Bad Beast
Magen Corrie
Lovely review! Makes me want to meet Hugh!
And I adore Jamie Frazer from Outlander!! <3
Christy LoveOfBooks
Ha! He kidnaps to wrong bride. I love this type of story. Lovely interview!
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Naomi Hop
Great interview Ladies! I love reads about marriage for convenience too! Hugh sounds great too!
Naomi Hop recently posted…Reckless Abandon by Jeannine Colette ~ Release Day Review & Teaser Tuesday
Fantastic interview, and loved the Dean gif. I love the sound of this..always interesting when you steal the wrong girl..LOL
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Alyssa Susanna (The Eater of Books!)
OOO, SCOTTISH ROMANCE! I think I saw this on Edelweiss, but I had to pass (it was a timing issue). Definitely something I would read. 😀
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
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Jennifer (Bad Bird Reads)
Is it wrong that I love when the guy kidnaps the girl then they fall in love? So weird. Great interview.
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