Series: Gaslight Mystery, #18
Published by Berkley on November 3rd 2015
Genres: Historical Mystery
Pages: 320
Format: Hardcover
Source: Publisher
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I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
The author of Murder on Amsterdam Avenue returns to nineteenth-century New York City to find Christmas in the air, a police detective and a midwife with love in their hearts, and a wealthy newlywed with blood on her hands…
Detective Sergeant Frank Malloy and Sarah Brandt are not the only ones who have recently tied the knot. Family friend Mrs. O’Neill was delighted when her daughter Una wed the seemingly wealthy and charming Randolph Pollock. She didn’t wonder why such an affluent man would want to marry a poor Irish girl, no matter how pretty she was. But now Mrs. O’Neill has a problem.
Pollock’s servants have found their employer bludgeoned to death with Una cradling his body. Rendered mute by the horror of her husband’s death, Una cannot explain what happened, so the police have charged her with murder and locked her away in the Tombs to await trial.
Mrs. O’Neill would like Frank to investigate the case and save Una, yet with Frank and Sarah still on their honeymoon, it’s up to the other members of their newly formed household to do some detective work. But solving the mystery behind Pollock’s death means first discovering the truth about who he really is…

When a woman shows up on Franks Malloy’s doorsteps, his midwife Maeve is weary of her appearance and think that this is just another person from her employers old neighborhood looking for a handout. When it turns out that Mrs. O’Neill is there on behalf of her daughter Una seeking Frank’s help to rescue her daughter for being accused of murder, Maeve jumps into the Malloy’s spot to handle the situation (as Frank is on his honeymoon and is unavailable). As Maeve tries to find the real killer, it will take the help of a few other friends in order to clear Una’s name, including the help of Gino Donatelli, a cop who happens to be very sweet on Maeve.
Excellent story, I thoroughly enjoyed Murder on St. Nicholas Avenue. Victoria Thompson does an amazing job of combining historical fiction with mystery, into a novel that’s so compelling, it is hard to put down. Character driven and fast paced, I found the 18th book of this series totally engrossing. Maeve was an excellent character. Do not be fooled by the blurb, though it does mention Frank and Sarah Malloy, the usual due of Gaslight mysteries, this one really stars Maeve and Gine. Maeve is fierce, out-spoken and tough as nails. She was such a joy to follow around this mystery and her relationship and banter between Gino Donatelli was both amusing and heartwarming. I loved the little romance brewing between these two.
“This is so much nicer than a cab,” Maeve said, stroking the fine wool lap robe.
“Much more private, too,” he said, remembering his claim that Maeve was his girl and wishing it were true.
He thought she gave him a look, but it was too dark to be sure. “Yes, we don’t have to worry about little ears hearing what we say. I think that’s why Mrs.Decker suggested we go to their house.”
Gino managed not to sigh his disappointment that she didn’t get his hint.
The story also featured a curious Mrs. Decker, who loves to butt in and her husband, Mr. Decker that finds his wife’s involvement, very amusing especially when she tries to hide it. I love their relationship mainly because of the way Mr. Decker reacts to his wife’s involvement, especially when he finds out that she is doing to sneak behind his back. He teases her, and lures her just to watch her reaction when she realizes that he knows her antics all along. Their interaction is easy, teasing, and can really put a smile on my face.
“How very clever,” Mrs.Decker said. “I must remember that.”
“Why?” her husband asked. “Are you planning to murder someone?”
The mystery was fun, and like I had already mentioned a bit hard to put down. Una is the woman accused of bashing her husbands head in. As we learn more about Mr.Pollock, her husband, you can’t help but feel a kind of resentment for the man and all of his wrong doings. Una was a really hard character to like, so if that was the case that Thompson was building, she had accomplished it because not only did I not like her, I downright hated her by the end of the book.
“But I didn’t kill him,” she repeated. Maeve would’ve been angry by this point, but Una just pouted prettily.
The woman grated my nerves, especially when throughout the entire book she was using her looks to sway people and to me she just seemed like a total nutcase.heh.
The only thing that disappointed me was that I was hoping for a bit more of a holiday feel to the book because the cover suggested that, but I didn’t get much of that at all.
Overall, if you are a fan of historical mystery, Victoria Thompson is a master at writing with memorable characters that grow with every book, an engrossing mystery and just simply wonderful writing.
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I am getting ready to do some serious cozy mystery binging in December. I really need some light, fluffy and entertaining reads. This one sounds great even if it doesnt have a holiday feel.
Heidi recently posted…Review: Once Kissed(The O’Brien Family #1) by Cecy Robson
Lily B
Cozy’s in December is fun, with the weather outside they are somewhat of a comfort read for me too
18? That’s a lot
blodeuedd recently posted…The Geomancer - Clay and Susan Griffith
Lily B
ahh yeah its a long series,but seems to be going strong
Renee (Lover of Romance)
I love seeing a mix of mystery and historical…this sounds like a wonderful read for winter.
Lily B
i am starting to really enjoy that combo
The cover does suggest a holiday feel. I’m glad you still enjoyed the book!
LilyElement recently posted…New Releases 11/03/2015
Lily B
thanks hon!
Melissa (Books and Things)
Yea, Una would have totally got on my nerves as well. I also thought this would have a more holiday flair but I’m okay with that. It comes too early anyway.

Melissa (Books and Things) recently posted…The Anatomical Shape of a Heart by Jenn Bennett
Lily B
yeah the author made her totally unlikable, for me anyway.
Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog
I really need ot check out this author and series. It sounds like something I would enjoy - Great review!
Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog recently posted…Review ~ Vanishing Girls
Lily B
i was glad i tried it did enjoy the writing
Sophia Rose
That’s cool that the side characters get to detect. I don’t know why I haven’t started this series yet. I’ve put my finger on it a few times when I was looking for something new. Glad it’s still going strong 18 books later.
Sophia Rose recently posted…Burn It Up by Cara McKenna #Review
Lily B
i honestly have not read them from the beginning, but it seems okay to pick it up mid series
I like that this was a good read despite the few reservations you had about the heroine and the non holiday theme. Great review Lily!
kindlemom1 recently posted…Blog Tour Review: Put a Ring On It by Beth Kendrick
Lily B
I liked Maeve and Gino and thats all that matters 😉
Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons
I’ve yet to ever read a cozy mystery. I need to try one.
Melanie Simmons @mlsimmons recently posted…Cold Burn of Magic Audiobook by Jennifer Estep (REVIEW)
Lily B
they can be quite interesting if its something you happen to enjoy!
Ooooh I love historical mysteries. I haven’t met this author, thanks for the feature and the giveaway

Braine recently posted…Steampunk Sundays: The Devious Dr. Jekyll by Viola Carr
Lily B
Yeah I have been really enjoying them myself! I love historical romances, so why not? 😛
Rachel @The Readers Den
I love it when and author combines a fast paced mystery with a romance I’m rooting for. Sounds like this had just the right amount of humor as well. Wonderful review, Lily!

Rachel @The Readers Den recently posted…Review: The Anatomical Shape of a Heart by Jenn Bennett
Lily B
since i seem to love my romance in everything, this was a huge plus for me
Jennifer (Bad Bird Reads)
Sounds like a really cute mystery.
Lily B
it was!
Maureen Beatrice
I really love Historical Mystery novels and this sounds like a great one. To bad that there wasn’t a lot of the Christmas vibe going on.. I also really would have thought that after seeing that cover.
Maureen Beatrice recently posted…Blog Tour ‘Prisoner’ by Dennis W. Green
Lily B
It was a little disappointing, but it worked out in the end anyway
Ramona Wray
That’s a nice-looking cover, Lily
Sounds like this one did a great job of combining things, and historical fiction & mystery combo is an all-time favorite of mine. I’d really love to read this
Wonderful review.
Ramona Wray recently posted…Zen Monday: The November Agenda
Lily B
i know right! there is just something about history combined with mystery that makes it so fascinating
I’ve never heard of this series before Lily, but I do love my mystery reads, especially when they leave you guessing until the very last page. Sorry this book didn’t have much of a holiday feel as you were hoping, but I’m glad that you still enjoyed it. Great review!

Jasprit recently posted…Review: The Lies About Truth by Courtney C. Stevens
Lily B
thank you so much Jasprit. The characters really made up for it.
Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
Murder on St. Nicholas Avenue sounds like a very good cozy mystery, Christy! I love it when there is a little chemistry between some of the characters, because it adds another layer to the story.
Great review - you are making me add quite a few books to my TBR shelf lately 😉
Have a fantastic Tuesday!
Your review of all the historical mysteries makes me want to delve into the genre, too. I love that this one is Christmas themed, too!
Lily B
ahaha I have lately had an obsession with it!
Angela @ Simply Angela
I’ve been looking for a new historical mystery series to try out and, thanks to your review, I think I’ve finally found it.
Angela @ Simply Angela recently posted…Fangs for the Memories by Molly Harper
Tracy Terry
Great cover and what sounds like a fun mystery which when combined with the historical sounds like my kind of read and especially on a damp, foggy day the likes of which we are currently having a lot of
Lily B
thats the type of days I enjoy these the most 😉
She sounds like a bit of a man eater really, but using your feminine wiles to get you further doesn’t usually sit too well with me. But it still sounds like a pretty great read, even not being a historical reader myself. I would have assumed it would have been a holiday reader as well, given the cover. Great review Lily, really enjoyed it <3
Kelly recently posted…Lillytales Bookmark International Giveaway
Lily B
good point Kelly, she really does o.o
It’s always nice to have a book like that. From time to time I love to read one and this one sounds good! I didn’t know about it.
Lily B
yea i especially love them during the chilly seasons
Silvia @ Darkest Sins
I must say, a cozy mystery like this one would be really something nice to read . . . Yep, I think I’ll have to check this series out, thanks for reviewing

Silvia @ Darkest Sins recently posted…“Instinct” by J.A. Belfield
Lily B
i have not read the series from the beginning, but I enjoyed this one as a stand-alone!
I like the sound of how this one combines historical fiction and mystery! And Maeve sounds like a great main character with how tough she is. And there’s romance as well, souds like it has all the ingredients of a nice book! Great review!
Lola recently posted…Review: Shaun the Sheep the Movie
Lily B
me too, I have really grown to love that combo lately!
Alyssa Susanna (The Eater of Books!)
Oooo, murder and mystery! I love these types of books. Una doesn’t sound like someone I would like though. 😀 Fantastic review, Lily!
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
Alyssa Susanna (The Eater of Books!) recently posted…Promo and Giveaway: The Falling Kingdoms series by Morgan Rhodes
Lily B
yeah she was pretty hard to like lol, made me clench my teeth every time she spoke
Keionda @Keionda Hearts Books
Hiya Lily! As always, I LOVE the format you have your reviews and stuff in! They’re always so eye catching making me just want to stare at them all day long. I no lie… But any who, onto the review! I have to be honest with you girl, I don’t think this is one that would really interest me. (But then again, I’m a total fail whale at branching out to other genres. <3 Hopefully I will one day soon though! <3
Lily B
thanks Keionda, I been trying to make them look interesting. It’s okay XD I think its an acquired taste for some people, some like em, some not so much, totally normal! I’m nuts for a lot of genres myself.
I LOVE historical mystery! This sounds fantastic so I’m looking up the first book. We probably have them at the bookstore I work at and probably eyed them in the past. Sounds like I need to grab the first when it comes in!
Candace recently posted…Blog Tour Review & Giveaway: Prisoner by Dennis W. Green
Lily B
I haven’t read the first book myself Candace, but as a stand-alone, I felt this worked for me! I do hope I can read the first book in the feature
Magen Corrie
I don’t read a lot of historical fiction, but I do like a good mystery. And encountering a book you just can’t put down is always amazing!
Lovely review!
Lily B
I only recently started reading Historical Mysteries, I like each genre separately, so I thought why not?
Christy LoveOfBooks
Sounds fun for sure! Especially Maeve. I love when characters have that sort of back-and-forth between them.
Christy LoveOfBooks recently posted…Cam Girl by Leah Raeder
Lily B
Maeve and Gino did have a bit of that I felt!
Brandi Breathes Books
Glad to hear you enjoyed this one and that she did a good job with the cast of characters
trish @ Between My Lines
I like that it’s a mix of historical fiction and a cosy. I love characters that grown and yay for a mystery that keeps you invested. Sounds like a lot of good things are going on here!
trish @ Between My Lines recently posted…Questions at the end of Blog Posts? Yay or Nay?
Carla @ Lipstick & Mocha
This sounds amazing!! Historical mysteries are the best, I don’t really know why, but they just are 😛
Carla @ Lipstick & Mocha recently posted…Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
This is a new type of book for me and I look forward to reading it. Thanks for this opportunity.
Bea @Bea's Book Nook
I’m not familiar with this series but this sounds really good.