Series: Stand-Alone
Published by Simon Pulse on November 17th 2015
Genres: Young Adult Fantasy, Young Adult Mystery
Pages: 432
Format: Paperback
Source: Publisher
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I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
From #1 New York Times bestselling author Christopher Pike comes a brand-new fascinating and seductive new novel about a girl with a mysterious ability—but one that carries an unimaginable cost.
From the moment Fred met Aja, he knew she was different. And she was.
Aja had a gift. But her gift came with a price.
After a shocking sequence of events, Fred must look back at their relationship, and piece together all of their shared moments, so he can finally understand Aja’s precious gift…and its devastating repercussions.

I have to admit, from the moment I read the blurb, I was sold on this book. A girl with special abilities that carry an unimaginable cost? Yes, please.
I wanted to love this book, I really did. I was so hooked on the blurb I couldn’t wait to read it, but it ultimately fell a little short for me.
I want to talk first about what I liked about the book. I really liked that it felt like it was written as a sort of memoir told of the events of Fred’s life and how he met the mysterious girl named Aja. I really loved the way it reads. The idea behind the story was interesting enough, just I guess not what I expected and honestly I liked Aja more than I liked Fred.
There was romance in the story, but it did nothing for me. Honestly, it was kind of meh. Maybe it was because I honest to goodness disliked Fred. I did not like his attitude, I did not like some of the things he said or thought about Aja and overall I just did not love his character. I just could not connect on the romance, it was sudden, it was odd, and overall a bit boring.
The plot was interesting, but I felt like there was a dig at religion in a way. This is a YA novel I felt like that could have been left out of it.
The story progressed quickly, characters offered up the info quickly. Fred was annoying and boring, and flew off the handle way too easily. Honestly, I felt like the author was bored with his own writing because the twist that was added at the end felt out of place and so random my head was spinning. (Also, someone watches too many action movies - cough)
There was an interesting take on people being selfish and greedy, especially in the end and what it cost. I wanted to throttle the character for asking Aja for what she did, I did not think it was fair, it was greedy, and I guess a bit part of the human nature.
I wanted to love this book, I did and I tried, but it just fell quite a bit short with me. I did give it three stars because I did enjoy it, to an extent. Just some things did not work for me.
Hmmmmm *thinking about it*
blodeuedd recently posted…Alien in Chief - Gini Koch
I totally get where you are coming from. I have had many similar reads like this lately where I just can’t put my finger on what didn’t work all the way, even though there were parts I liked. I still haven’t read anything by this author, but I don’t think I will start with this one.
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Sophia Rose
Always sad when the excitement generated from the blurb doesn’t pan out in the actual story. Reading as a journal on past events does sound good.
Sophia Rose recently posted…The Book Report November 2015
Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog
The blurb does sound interesting. Stinks it didn’t really live up to it all. Great review!
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Charlene @ Bookish Whimsy
I loved reading Christopher Pike novels when I was younger, so when I saw this one in the store, I was interested, but the plot didn’t really grab me. I feel like I made a good choice there. It’s too bad this didn’t win you over!
Charlene @ Bookish Whimsy recently posted…Suspense (175) Out of Control
Joy // Joyousreads
I haven’t met a good Christopher Pike book yet. I guess I should keep on hoping. 😀
Great honest review Lily!
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Lisa @ Lost in Literature
Insta-love *cringe* I just can’t even. I don’t understand why we find that SO often in YA books!! I’m surprised I’ve never heard of this one before. Is that weird? I think it is.
Glad you enjoyed this despite your issues with it. Great review, sweets! 

Lisa @ Lost in Literature recently posted…November 2015 Wrap-Up!
Yeah, I’m not a fan of hidden agenda’s especially in YA fiction. The gripe with religion really didn’t need to be put in there, at the very least you’ll be upsetting part of your intended audience. The synopsis sounds amazing, but sadly it sounds as though it really needed more character development, especially from Fred. The quickest way for my to DNF a book is for an unlikable main character who can’t be redeemed. I’m still glad you were able to enjoy this somewhat Lily, but hopefully your next read knocks your socks off. Wonderful review <3
Kelly recently posted…What Does Blogging Mean to You?
sorry to see you didn’t like it as much as you wanted to. I haven’t tried a book by the author yet.
Angela @ Simply Angela
When I was in my teens, I adored Pike’s back catalog that was published in the 90’s, but something changed with his writing. It started to feel trite and most of his newer books were DNFs for me.
The blurb does sound really interestins indeed and makes me curious about Aya and her gift and what the price is. Not sure if that style of telling things in memoir style would work for me though and that’s too bad Fred wasn’t a likeable character.
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Naomi Hop
A shame this one fell a bit flat for you. I can understand your concerns about the romance, you want it to feel real and flow well. Thanks for sharing Lily!
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Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
You know, that right there is why I sometimes try to not read too much into the blurb… So many times my expectations have been off, and so I didn’t feel like I got the story promised.
I’m glad there were still aspects of Strange Girl you enjoyed, though, Lily.
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
From reading this I can pretty much conclude that I wouldn’t like this one either. I hate it when the love interest is someone you just don’t like!
Danielle Meek
Great review! This one does sound interesting but based on your review I’m thinking I’ll pass

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