Series: Stand-Alone
Published by Tor Teen on February 10th 2015
Genres: Young Adult Dystopia
Pages: 336
Format: Hardcover
Source: Publisher
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I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
The Handmaid’s Tale meets Blood Red Road in Glass Arrow, the story of Aya, who lives with a small group of women on the run from the men who hunt them, men who want to auction off breeding rights to the highest bidder.
In a world where females are scarce and are hunted, then bought and sold at market for their breeding rights, 15-year old Aya has learned how to hide. With a ragtag bunch of other women and girls, she has successfully avoided capture and eked out a nomadic but free existence in the mountains. But when Aya’s luck runs out and she’s caught by a group of businessmen on a hunting expedition, fighting to survive takes on a whole new meaning.

Guys, I could not believe this! I was going through my 2015 list, compiling my favorites for the year and I noticed that I have missed reviewing The Glass Arrow. At first I was shocked because I liked it so much, then I was confused and then I looked at my Goodreads shelf and everything came to light. I read The Glass Arrow literally the day before my son was born.
So despite this being several months late. I figured it was still better late then never.
Wow, I have to admit, this was my first time dipping my toes into Simmons writing and I do not regret it. The Glass Arrow, did it for me. It hooked me from the beginning and continued to hold on until the very end. It was wonderful, it was emotional, and it was addictive. I did not want to let this book go.
Simmons introduces us to a darker world where women are haunted, sold, and used as breeders. The girls that are caught in the wild are brought to this jail like place called the Garden, where they are groomed to be sold. Aya was born in the wild, outside of the city limits, and when she was caught, she did everything in her power to try and stay away from being sold in the auctions - injuries, fights, pissing off the woman in charge. I think the fact that she wasn’t born within the city is what drove her will for survival and her wild like instincts to keep herself from being sold like a piece of meat. She was strong, resilient and she did things that I probably would never have the guts to do. She also has a sort of a pet wolf Brax who I adored.
I was a little perplexed about the way these girls treated each other in the Garden. I was really hoping sisterhood would prevail at a time of need. In a way, later in the story, it does. Still, it saddened me how easily the girls accepted their faith, that this is all they think they will amount to.
The romance in this was slow building, and I was so happy that it was not insta-love. Kiran is a Driver, who is equally as brave as Aya. They meet when Aya get’s tossed into solitary due to her behavior, and after a rocky start they eventually form a kind of bond. Aya thinks that Kiran is a mute as he does not speak, and so there were a lot of one sided conversations between the two. Aya does not trust Kiran at first, but eventually it became kind of hard not to when he tries to help her.
The world building was fabulous. I was shocked how well Simmons had woven everything together into one Stand-Alone novel. For the most part, I think she has managed to cover everything and how the world worked. From how the girls were groomed to be sold, to Drivers, and the food pills.
The ending was action packed and a bit of a nail biter for me. I wanted to know what happens, how will it end. Daphne, one of the girls from the Garden and her sudden resilience surprised me. Her relationship with Aya is rocky and not well liked, but both do what they have to in order to survive. Aya is loyal to a fault and I loved that about her. I loved learning about her past and who she is. I applaud Aya for the sacrifices she had made, seriously the ending made me cry, and if you read the book you know exactly why. I almost gave up on the book there and then, I couldn’t believe it happened. I think that was the major part that took away 1 star for me from the book
Because I am feeling generous today I am giving away an e-book copy of this book from amazon, or B & N or wherever I can send a copy to you from. Open INT. Yay!
- Must be 13 years old or older to enter. (People under must have a parent enter for them)
- Must be a follower of the blog
- Winners will be notified by e-mail within 72 hours of the giveaway ending and will have 72 hours to respond to that e-mail or else a new winner will be chosen. So please do not skip the option of putting in the e-mail that you check most frequently.
- Entries that do not follow the rules will be disqualified.
A Voracious Reader
This sounds right up my alley. *runs to add it to TBR*
A Voracious Reader recently posted…My 2015 November InD’tale Magazine Reviews
Lily B
heh I hope if you read it, you will enjoy it!
If you remember it so well then it was certainly a memorable book. The whole premise of it sounds really interesting.
Kathryn recently posted…Fit Readers Check In
Lily B
yeah it’s been like 9 months and I still remember enough to write a review o.o crazy
trish @ Between My Lines
I’ve never even heard of this one before and I love YA Dystopia so when I saw your 2015 fav icon that made me sit up and pay attention! I love that it’s a stand alone and that’s it’s action packed! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
trish @ Between My Lines recently posted…My To-Be-Read List : Nov 15 Pick it for me!
Lily B
Yeah I really enjoyed this one, it makes me wish it was a series tho! There was just, it felt like it could have been you know?
Ohhh cool I am in
blodeuedd recently posted…#FitReaders Check-In: November 6, 2015
Alyssa Susanna (The Eater of Books!)
WASN’T THIS BOOK AMAZING!?!?!? I read it last in 2014 and absolutely adored it. I’m not sure what I was expecting but this book exceeded my expectations and then some! The wait was well worth it. 😀 So glad you enjoyed this book as well, Lily!
Great review! Not entering the giveaway, but thank you.
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
Alyssa Susanna (The Eater of Books!) recently posted…Stacking the Shelves (#150)
Lily B
Yes it was! I was so glad I picked it up, the writing along rocked my world. It’s awesome that it also exceeded your expectations!
I think it’s pretty awesome you can still write your review for a book you read months ago and can still remember what you liked about it. Your comment about the ending makes me curious and afraid of what happens. It sounds like a pretty dark world and I wonder how the author makes it all realistic and believable. I like the sound of the slow building romance! Great review!
Lola recently posted…My To-Be Read List #15: poll
Lily B
ha, yea I was surprised especially since I discovered around the same time I have started a few reviews for books I read around Feb but…. i can’t remember them anymore
Sophia Rose
LOL! Well I guess childbirth is a pretty legit reason to forget a review. 😉
I’ve had this one on the list for a while. Sounds like I’ve been missing out after reading your review thoughts.
Sophia Rose recently posted…Until You by Jeannie Moon #Review
Lily B
If you like YA dystopia I think it was good, the world was, different I suppose o.o
Keionda @Keionda Hearts Books
I can so see why you forgot about this book after all! And I’m pretty sure that is a good reason. teehee At least you still got to it after all of this time so kuddos to you girl! <3 As for the book, I LOVE a slow building romance and I love not knowing what exactly is going to happen next with the characters. The whole fact altho these are women here who are groomed and basically made to be used is just sickening! I would probably spend half my time in a fit of anger if i ever started to read this book. TRUE TALK GIRL!
EPICAL REIVEW as always girl! xoxo
Lily B
oh yeah no doubt it left me feeling a bit angry, it was like an oh my god moment, you know? girls being used for reproduction and when she got sold to a guy who wasn’t of age, I was like…wow.
Aila @ Happy Indulgence
I’m so glad you liked this one! The world was so awesome, and I hoped we got to explore it a little more haha. Also the romance was just on-point. (Although I do wish we got a little more heated moments. :P)
Aila @ Happy Indulgence recently posted…BookTube Video: October Recap Where I Rave About ILLUMINAE
Cait @ Paper Fury
OMG I WANT TO READ THIS SO BAD!! I even forgot how much I wanted to read it. 😛 It sounds like a really intriguing premise (and horrifying) and I looove those kind of snappy totally badass characters who don’t lie down and die. I NEED, BASICALLY. This is such a fabulous review. Consider me convinced. 😉
Cait @ Paper Fury recently posted…I Defeated NaNoWriMo In 4 Days (Basically Shrieks From A Deranged Writer And Snippets)
Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight
Yeah, writing reviews is pretty hard while giving birth 😉 Congrats on that, he must be at such a fun age now! But I do agree with you about this book, I really liked it. I mean, I see the appeal of a standalone, and it was done well, but since I DID enjoy it, I think I would have been cool with a sequel too 😉 Great review, especially several months later!!
Oh yes I’m quite curious about this one as well, it sounds so good!
This really does look like a great read! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I have to check to see if I ever picked this one up or not, LOL, how sad is that that I can’t even remember? 😛
kindlemom1 recently posted…Blog Tour Review: Stars of Fortune by Nora Roberts
Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings
I have read her Article 5 series and it is well worth reading. I have this on my TBR shelf but still to read, it definitely sounds good!
Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings recently posted…BLOGGER THON - My interview with Krystianna from Downright Dystopian
Nick @ Nick & Nereyda's Infinite Booklist
Yay! I adored this book too. It’s one of my top reads of the year. The slow burn romance was one of my favorite parts for certain. Glad you enjoyed it too, Lily!

Lovely review!
Nick @ Nick & Nereyda’s Infinite Booklist recently posted…The Weekly Recap (167)
Amber Elise @ Du Livre
I’m impressed you were able to write this review despite having read it months ago! There are like three books I read about two months ago that I need to review, but I can’t because I remember NOTHING. Haha.
I adored this book as well, and Kristen Simmons is the best human being ever!
Naomi Hop
Sounds like there was some great world building in this one Lily! And a slow building romance is always good! Glad you finally got to share your review!
Naomi Hop recently posted…No Kissing Allowed by Melissa West ~ Review & Swoon Thursday
Jennifer (Bad Bird Reads)
The concept creeps me the frick out. But I love books like these. My heroines need to be fighters. I wish there was more sisterpower but whatevs. I am nervous about the ending though.
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