Series: Stand-Alone
Published by Random House Delacorte on October 27th 2015
Genres: Young Adult Historical Fiction, YA Thriller
Pages: 496
Format: Hardcover
Source: Publisher
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I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Set in gilded age New York, These Shallow Graves follows the story of Josephine Montfort, an American aristocrat. Jo lives a life of old-money ease. Not much is expected of her other than to look good and marry well. But when her father dies due to an accidental gunshot, the gilding on Jo’s world starts to tarnish. With the help of a handsome and brash reporter, and a young medical student who moonlights in the city morgue, Jo uncovers the truth behind her father’s death and learns that if you’re going to bury the past, you’d better bury it deep.

I don’t exactly know where this book and I went wrong. I really wanted to like it, and in a sense there were parts in the book that I did enjoy, but overall this was a big disappointment with me. Which sadness me because so many of my friends loved it, and I was so eager to read it myself, that it just turned into an absolute failure.
First, when I read the opening chapter I was excited. Grave digging, my imagination ran wild, I had all kinds of hopes for this book that ended up not only disappointing me but it fell completely flat.
Where do I start?
Jo. I honestly kind of hate her. She is a 17-year old that acts like she is younger, much, much, younger. Not only does she appear obtuse sometimes, but she is also naive, childish, melodramatic, too trusting, and overall not the smartest crayon in the box. Like in one scene while she is in Brooklyn, after facing so much danger already and learning the dark side of New York City, she goes ahead and thrusts some out of the mill older woman who offers her a ride back home, not even contemplating what kind of danger might be facing her trusting this woman and her husband. Now let me tell you something. I was raised in NYC and if some random older woman and her husband offered me a ride home while I was alone in a neighborhood I am not familiar with, I would run the other direction screaming fire. I guess it might just be me, but as an ex-New Yorker, I actually learned how to not trust people - an issue my husband and I choose to agree and disagree on.
Conveniently for Jo though there is always someone there to rescue her from her bad decisions, most notably Fay.
The romance was lame and honestly felt a little forced and fake. There were a few scenes that left me questioning if Eddie was actually using her for a story like her uncle has mentioned. Which in itself was never explained. When Eddie was confronted about it, he denied ever saying it, but the author never explained how Jo’s uncle pulled that one out of thin air. There wasn’t any tension and felt kind of instant.
I don’t understand why the book was over 400 pages long. It dragged a bit at times. I found myself wanting to finish it in hopes of a better ending, but everything I predicted at the beginning of the story came true, which actually only disappointed me more because it was that damn predictable. There had been parts that also felt a bit rushed and not only that but oddly written. In example, this scene, just found weird the way it was written:
“Oh, look!” Jo said. “The man sitting next to her just stood up. He knocked her gloves off the counter. Go return them to her, Oscar!”
“He’s crazy about her,” Eddie said as he watched his friend go.
Jo smiled. “I never would have guessed. Is she really a medical student?”
Maybe I would have to backtrack a little more for it to make sense on here, but stuff happened conveniently and the actions kind of felt odd?
There was mostly just the bad side of NYC at that time and good part. Not much in between.
I wanted to know more about the Tailor, he seemed kind of creepy.
I only really liked Fay in this book.
And the prologue or whatever it was that gave us a glimpse into what is happening later in the book, did not really reflect what happened later. It didn’t match. I can’t go too much into it, but the feelings and actions of the moment just did not match.
I also thought this would be more creepy due to the cover, but it really wasn’t. I was surprised Jo could not see the answers in front of her as the evidence continued to pile on, since I myself already figured who done it right after it happened.
Also, in one chapter her mother sucks.
Naomi Hop
I’m so sorry you struggled with this so much.

kindlemom1 recently posted…WoW Pick of the Week
Jennifer Bielman @ Bad Bird Reads
Once you hate a main character, it all goes down hill from there.
Jennifer Bielman @ Bad Bird Reads recently posted…Early Review: Into the Dim by Janet B. Taylor
Jennifer Bielman @ Bad Bird Reads
Once you hate the main character, it all goes down hill from there.
Jennifer Bielman @ Bad Bird Reads recently posted…Early Review: Into the Dim by Janet B. Taylor
Oh sorry to see it wasn’t like you expected for this one and that in the end you’re a bit disappointed… I hope your next read is better !
Lily B
maybe I expected too much heh
Cynthia @ Bingeing On Books
That sucks that this one was so disappointing. I had been looking forward to reading it, but Jo sounds a bit annoying. I may skip this one after all.
Cynthia @ Bingeing On Books recently posted…BOOK REVIEW: All We Have Is Now by Lisa Schroeder
Lily B
I would suggest giving it a shot anyway, it didnt work for me, but it might work for you
Alyssa Susanna (The Eater of Books!)
OH. Oh no! I’ve been seeing this book around, but I don’t think I’ve read many reviews. I like Donnelly’s Waterfire Saga, but I had a feeling this book wouldn’t be for me. Your review confirms this! Fabulous review!
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
Alyssa Susanna (The Eater of Books!) recently posted…Blog Tour Swoon Thursday (#142) and Giveaway: Truthwitch by Susan Dennard
Lily B
If you like her other Saga, you might enjoy this one. I’d say give it a shot anyway
Tracy Terry
This didn’t appeal until I read the word ‘morgue’. However having read your review I’m back to thinking this probably isn’t one for me.
Lily B
I guess I was hoping for it to be more, but I just did not like the MC
Ksenia @ Ksenia's Book Blog
Hi, Lily! I love your blog design! These cats and bats are so cute! I’ve heard a lot about this book and looking forward to read it myself. Sorry to hear it didn’t work for you though. I totally get you, it always makes me sad too when I don’t enjoy a book that all of my friends love. I agree the cover has this creepy vibe and at first I was unsure about this book because creepy is not actually my thing. Great honest review! I hope you next read will be a winner!
Ksenia @ Ksenia’s Book Blog recently posted…Audiobook review: Confess by Colleen Hoover
Lily B
Thank you Ksenia. I know it didn’t work for me, but that’s just me. I hope that when you do read it, it is more enjoyable for you!
Ohhh I like the cover
blodeuedd recently posted…Steampunk Thursday: The Girl in the Steel Corset / Prudence
Lily B
Its nice, I liked it too
Angela @ Simply Angela
It drives me up the wall when characters come off younger than they should. I’ve been thinking about giving this one a go, but I think I’ll pass.
Angela @ Simply Angela recently posted…The Professional by Addison Fox
Lily B
There had been some good parts of the book, I just didn’t clip with the main character. Fay, a supporting character was great
I am listening to this one now. I am about 85% and I am enjoying the mystery. Girls at this age really were sheltered from the real world so her nativity didn’t bother me. Sorry this one didn’t work for you.
Lily B
The last 80% was probably the most exciting part of this book, too bad Jo was too far in my unlike territory. I know she was sheltered, but they keep treating her like an adult and calling her mature and I did not find that to be the case at all.
I’ve actually seen a few reviews for this one lately Lily who have really enjoyed it, so I’m always excited to see a review from an awesome reviewer who didn’t, as odd as that sounds. That snippet sounds really odd, just poorly worded I think and a little bit random. I assumed this was a thriller but it sounds a bit too stupid damsel in distress. I’ll still give it a read, but might push it further down my list. Great review Lily, well balanced and really enjoyed it <3
Kelly recently posted…Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel
I was all intrigued by this one when I saw the cover a few weeks back. Sad to hear it wasn’t that great for you!
LilyElement recently posted…Thrifty Thursday [134]
Hmmm…. I have this one for review and the reviews are mixed. I do keep reading that this one has pacing issues I think I will push it down the stack and read some of my more pressing titles. Thanks for the helpful review.
Heidi recently posted…Review: An Inheritance of Ashes by Leah Bobet
trish @ Between My Lines
Love your Halloween Theme! I have a pet hate for characters who appear much younger than they are supposed to me, it makes me feel like the author doesn’t have a handle on what it is to be that age. Very annoying and very off putting as once I see it, I keep looking for further evidence of it.
trish @ Between My Lines recently posted…AudioBook Review : Rites of Passage by Joy N. Hensley
That’s the worst when you really want to like a book and it just doesn’t work. Jo doesn’t sound like a likable character and that would bother me too when a main character is too trusting. And it sounds like the book could’ve been better with less pages so it would drag less. I really want to feel the romance as else it just feels flat and that’s a shame.
btw I love your halloween design!
Lola recently posted…Lola’s Ramblings: What do you like to see in stories?
Renee (Lover of Romance)
It’s really awful when a story turns out this way. Especially when its 400 pages, you don’t want it to be a disappointment. Hope your current read is a good one for ya. And love your Halloween theme you have….so adorable. I love the kitties with the pumpkin. Makes me want to be over here all the time hehe
Christy LoveOfBooks
“naive, childish, melodramatic, too trusting, and overall not the smartest crayon in the box”
I know some 30-year-old like this. lol. That’s too bad this didn’t work for you. I haven’t decided if I’ll read it, soooo we’ll see.
Christy LoveOfBooks recently posted…Surviving Ice by K.A. Tucker
Grace MyBookSnack
Oh, no! It’s really hard to get into a book when you hate the main character and story goes flat. Hope the next one is better.
Grace MyBookSnack recently posted…Need You For Always by Marina Adair Review + Signed Giveaway
I’m sorry this one was a disappointment
it sounded like it had potential too (and that cover looks so promising!)
Wattle recently posted…Book Review: Bread of the Dead by Ann Myers
Ramona Wray
Well, you can’t love them all, Lily… And opinions on this one seemed equally as strong as they are conflicting. It’s either love or hate, with not a whole lot of middle ground. I really don’t know if I should give it a try at this point… Happy weekend!
Ramona Wray recently posted…New & Noteworthy Books October 2015
Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger
Oh I cannot stand a bratty, childish heroine. Sigh. It sounded so good, too! But I think i would have the same issues.
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Melissa (Books and Things)
Actually my biggest worry about this one is that I didn’t think it would be dark enough. Now that I know, perhaps it won’t bother me as much, but I do worry about the dragging storyline. I guess I will see if I thought it missed the mark as you did. Wish me luck.

Melissa (Books and Things) recently posted…Ice Like Fire by Sara Raasch
Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense
Yikes, I have this one on my TBR, and if I do get to it this month, I’ll be sure to lower my expectations. I might even skip it altogether. Thanks for the review!
Magen Corrie
The romance feeling forced and fake is a turn off for me as well. Sad to read you didn’t enjoy this one as much as you were hoping. But I still enjoyed your honest review!
Carla @ Lipstick & Mocha
It’s a shame you didn’t enjoy this one :/ the cover really got my attention and I love historical fiction <3
And I get what you say about not trusting just anyone out there, I live in Latin America, so yeah. Jo sounds a little bit dumb for my taste haha 😛 Thanks for sharing!
Carla @ Lipstick & Mocha recently posted…DC Entertainment Essential Graphic Novels and Chronology 2015
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Hate it when there’s a book I want to love, but I just can’t relate to the characters. So frustrating!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight
Aww, I am sorry that this didn’t work for you
I have heard mixed reviews, so I don’t know if I will read this. I probably won’t be in a hurry, that is for sure. I also really can’t stand super immature protagonists, so that is another big turnoff. Thanks for the great review though!
Aw, its a shame you didn’t enjoy this one!
Hate it when you’re looking forward to a book and it’s disappointing.
Love your Halloween theme!
Anissa recently posted…Weekend Book Haul!
Sophia Rose
It does look like it should be super-creepy. I’m not sure I’d like this one either if its predictable and the girl pulls stubborn-stupid stunts.
Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf
First I just have to say that your blog is the cutest thing ever! Love the Halloween theme and all the cat images…every where I look there’s a new image that ties to the theme! I don’t want to leave!!
Second - I have this on my TBR…now I am kind of glad that it is at the bottom!
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