Hey guys! I cannot believe it’s October already. This year is going by so quickly! Lots of changes so far this year for my family and my blog. I had a wonderful baby boy at the beginning of the year and parenthood has thought me that I don’t have as much time to read as I use to. Now I must somehow work that in between running around a 7 1/2 month old that wants to be walking any day now. But I have to tell you. I am glad to be back. I missed blogging, I feel like it gives me a purpose that is all my own. Plus, I love reading, so in a way it’s a win win.
As for the blog, you might have noticed I moved not only from blogspot but to a page that Ashley from Noze Graze helped me set up (Thanks for putting up with hundred of questions!) and also left the old name Lily Pond Reads behind. I won’t lie. I’ll miss that blog, I do miss the name, but since I went through a lot of changes this year, I felt it was time for another to reinvent myself. Lily Pond Reads has left me with many memories and accomplishments, one of which is the fact that I was noticed and my review was mentioned in Ghost of a Potion by Heather Blake, I was over the moon and I’ll treasure that. Now it’s time to make new memories and new friends.
I probably won’t do this often but I wanted to do a small giveaway to not only welcome fall, my new blog and a new chapter but to thank my readers. This giveaway is for one of the books I have read in September listed below. It will be a kindle copy, so that way my INT friends can also enter! Just read the rules and fill out the rafflecopter bellow. Thank you!
One of the winners will be able to choose from one of the books below.
*If the winner chooses a copy of The Lies About Truth, a copy will not be available till November when it’s official release date.
The Rules
- Must be 13 years old or older to enter. (People under must have a parent enter for them)
- Must be a follower of the blog
- Winners will be notified by e-mail within 72 hours of the giveaway ending and will have 72 hours to respond to that e-mail or else a new winner will be chosen. So please do not skip the option of putting in the e-mail that you check most frequently.
- Entries that do not follow the rules will be disqualified.
Thanks so much Lily for the chance to win and I really do love the new name and look!
kindlemom1 recently posted…Review: Rikki by Abigail Strom
Lily B
Thank you Ali <3
I didn’t enter but what a fun giveaway. I share all over the sphere for you

kimbacaffeinate recently posted…Blog Ahead Begins….
Lily B
Thanks hon!
Sarah @ The Reading Petal
Thanks for the giveaway. I’ve been thinking about a name change, as well. It’s hard to come up with something unique, while also being something I like. I love Night Owl Book Cafe.

Sarah @ The Reading Petal recently posted…Taking a Stroll Through Memory Lane: September 2015
Lily B
yea it took me a few days but i think i totally love it
Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger
I haven’t mentioned this yet, but I LOVE the new blog. I am excited for this new blogging chapter of yours and hope you are enjoying the journey. I love to do these types of giveaways every so often as well! I will share with friends and love the look of The Trouble with Christmas. I am so in the mood for holiday reads (well, I will be after Halloween, yay!)
Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger recently posted…My Goals for Blog Ahead 2015!
Lily B
thank you so much
i am glad i took the step, it makes me so much happier, plus i got to redo my layout. Holiday reads are always fun this time of year
I’m loving the new name and look, though I did like Lily before
I think Ghost of a Potion is calling my name right about now.
LilyElement recently posted…Thrifty Thursday [132]
Lily B
it was a really fun book! heh thank you hon
Magen Corrie
Lovely giveaway!! 😀
Lily B
thank you!
What a nice giveaway
I must try to come back tomorrow, I am having bloglovin issues, le sigh
blodeuedd recently posted…A curious beginning - Deanna Raybourn
Lily B
but it happens.
Entered now 😀 And moved all blogs to feedly in case it happens again 😉
blodeuedd recently posted…#FitReaders Check-In: October 2, 2015 and Black Sun Rising /The Lost Saint
Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog
Thanks for the giveaway!! You did a great job with this new look for the blog!
Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog recently posted…Monthly Rewind ~ September 2015
Lily B
Thank you Grace, me proud of it
Renee (Lover of Romance)
What a lovely new site you have here!! I love Ashley, she is so helpful and willing to answer any questions I have. But there are times I do miss my old site, and it wasn’t anything fantastic with a great design or anything, but I had the same look for four years so its still taking time to getting used to the new one (but I do love my new site more). Congrats on the new infant, they can be so fun.
Renee (Lover of Romance) recently posted…At A Glance: Month of September
Lily B
aww yeah, I do miss mine as well. I just, I had a hard time dealing with blogger and changing my design and wanted something more so this was nice. Sorry you miss your old site
your new one is awesome tho! really like it
great design. Oh yes, infants can be a lot of fun, keeps me on my toes.
Love your blog and the fact you have a seven and a half month old boy, so adorable but I understand all the work. And less time to read. Hmm two books with the same title, I am always intrigued by the fact often there are books with the same title.
Kathryn recently posted…The Bollywood Bride. Sonali Dev
Lily B
Thank you! Yeah I didn’t even realize when that happened till it happened and they where night and day to each other.
I myself have a seven month old son! I love your blog. Thank you for the awesome giveaway
Lily B
oh wow! that’s pretty awesome to meet a follow mommy with kids the same age 😀
Whoa, that’s crazy, I can’t believe your little one is 7 months already. They certainly do bring big changes.
And again, I love the new blog!
Christy recently posted…Untouchable by Ava Marsh
Lily B
I know.. I’ll blink and he will be 8 soon!
Tracy Terry
Oh my goodness what a wonderful selection you feature. Those festive books look perfect for this years Christmas Spirit Reading Challenge Challenge but its The Skeleton That Haunts A House that has really captured my imagination.
Lily B
it was a really fun read
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
I remember those days of chasing around a toddler - it’s hard to fit anything else in! Feel free to link this post up to my September Wrap-up Round-up (if you’d like) and come join us for the giveaway next week!
Lily B
heheh it really is and thank you for the heads up for the round up
You have had a busy year. A new baby is a lot to take on. I think all the time now that my two are five and seven, I don’t know how I made it through those early years. They were tough. Yet I started my blog when Mateus was one and it has grown up with them. I love the new look, nice and bright and wonderful. Congrats! I will have ot remind myself ot change out your button on my blog.
Heidi recently posted…Friday Forecast October 4th-10th
Lily B
must have been quiet busy for you Heidi, I know its a lot for me, but I think I need this
this is like mommy time for me heh
Melissa (Books and Things)
Almost ready to walk? Time flies! Glad you have gotten back into blogging!
Great giveaway and Happy Friday!

Melissa (Books and Things) recently posted…Craft Book Review: Apartment Therapy Complete and Happy Home by Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan
Lily B
yeah he has a walker and he loves it, but he wants to walk so badly. If you put him down he tries to stand up heh
Jennifer Bielman @ Bad Bird Reads
Awesome giveaway! Thanks. Parenthood, so scary.
Jennifer Bielman @ Bad Bird Reads recently posted…Stacking the Shelves #149: Yummy Addictions
I love your new name and design! Very cute, and also clear and readable. Congrats on a new chapter in your blogging life.
Cynthia @ Bingeing On Books
Thanks so much for the giveaway! This is my first time visiting your blog and I really love it. I love the name!
Cynthia @ Bingeing On Books recently posted…September Wrap-Up!