The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
This is something new I wanted to do for my blog, and am so far enjoying it. This week, as you can tell has been very slow. Mostly because its been so hectic and busy on my end. The baby turned 8 months today and so far spent the entire week being a bit cranky. He is teething, so he is very clingy (I get all the snuggles!) and doesn’t sleep well. Since evening seems to be the only time I can sit down and read, I feel like I have been walking around like a zombie. Thank goodness for coffee! Husband’s season with work is almost coming to a wrap up so hopefully I can have more help around the house, and maybe just maybe a little more time to read during daytime (ha!) doubting it. The baby now wants to learn how to stand, so a lot of my time is trying to make sure I watch him like a hawk and cling to his side. We spend a lot of time on the play mat! I am trying audio books for children during play time. If not audio, I read to him a lot - children’s books of course. He isn’t even one yet and I feel like I am buying out the whole store for him, his library is going to be as big as mine. But I enjoy it. It’s also been freezing.
First snowflakes fell today!
Yup, maybe of you noticed the banner changed. I felt like getting into the spirit of Halloween. My families favorite Holiday.
Let’s see what happened on the blog this week?
On The Blog
These Shallow Graves by Jennifer Donnelly - YA Historical Fiction/Thriller (Review)
The Duke and Miss Christmas (The Heirs’ Club of Scoundrels Trilogy #2.5) by Amelia Grey- Adult Historical Romance (Review)
Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper (Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper #1) by J.L. Bryan- Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Ghosts (Review)
Coming This Week
The Adventuress (Lady Emily #10) by Tasha Alexander A historical Mystery review
Hopefully there will be more, but that will depend on how much I can get done.
Finished Reading

For Review
- Heart Legacy (Celta’s Heartmates #14) by Robin D. Owens
- Autumn Thorns (Whisper Hollow #1) by Yasmine Galenorn
- Murder on St. Nicholas Avenue (Gaslight Mystery #18) by Victoria Thompson
- Walk Through Fire (Chaos #4) by Kristen Ashley
Thank you penguin, Bryan, Avon and Forever
- The Masked Truth by Kelley Armstrong
- Cocky Bastard by Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland
- The Sword of Summer (Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard #1) by Rick Riordan
- Once Upon a Zombie (The Color Of Fear #1) by Billy Phillips
Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer also started a “Caffeinated Book Club” that I am excited about. It’s like a virtual book club and looks like it will be a lot of fun. Great way to experience books I wouldn’t probably have picked up otherwise.
Rita @ View From My Home
Oh, bummer about These Shallow Graves! I was wanting to read it, maybe still will, I don’t know. I love an intense suspense and was hoping this would be that kind.
Good luck with the baby trying to walk. It’s so much work! I’ve gone through it several times (with kids and grandkids). My youngest started walking at 11 months but one of my grandkids at 9 1/2 months so for your sake I hope not for awhile 🙂
I’m also joining Kimba’s book club on Facebook- I put in a request today. Have a good week.
Rita @ View From My Home recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up: 10/18/15
Lily B
Awesome Rita 😀 I hope you enjoy the book club.
I think you should still read These Shallow Graves, you might enjoy it 🙂 everyone’s taste is different after all!
Yeah I hope so too, but he has no interest in crawling, he just really wants to stand.
Joy // Joyousreads
Yep. It’s only a matter of time before that white stuff is upon us as well. Bah. Mind you, I don’t mind it as much. It’s when the temps drops to bitterly cold that I don’t like. Anyway, I hope you’ll enjoy your books!
Joy // Joyousreads recently posted…[582]: Jack by Juliana Stone
Lily B
I was really looking to more of a fall but overnight frost hit and killed all the plants was odd o.o
We had a few snowflakes here too, which was a little shocking. It didn’t stick though and passed pretty quick. Not ready for winter! Looking forward to The Adventuress- I like the Lady Emily mysteries although I haven’t read them all.
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post
Lily B
It was my first lady emily mystery, I have to admit the writing overall was quite good.
Yeah it didn’t stick here too but it was on and off most of the day, the frost killed all the plants thats for sure.
Carla @ Lipstick & Mocha
I live in Latin America now, so no snow for me :'(
Oh I really want to read Once Upon a Zombie, it sounds amazing and I’ve just heard great things about it! 😀 And The Wrong Bride and Murder on St. Nicholas Avenue look great!
Can’t wait to read what you thought about The Adventuress.
Carla @ Lipstick & Mocha recently posted…DC Entertainment Essential Graphic Novels and Chronology 2015
Lily B
I like snow I guess, thought some day, blah
Once Upon a Zombie looked like fun I read an excerpt on amazon and was like, okay, fine, sold 😀
I love that you are reading to your son so much! I started super early as well and now my girls love reading so I definitely think it helps. 😉
kindlemom1 recently posted…Blog Tour Review: Havoc Rising by Brian S. Leon
Lily B
I am hoping he gets the same response, since I think its really important and prob good for language development! - my psychology studies are kicking in ha
Sophia Rose
Love your Halloween theme!
Ahhh, yes, teething and on the go. You passed up tired and are on your way to exhausted. But glad you get the fun snuggles and play, too.
Nice haul! I just finished Walk Through Fire and The Adventuress last week. Look forward to your thoughts when you get the chance.
Sophia Rose recently posted…Murder by Moonlighting by Mary Lydon Simonsen #Review #Giveaway
Lily B
I was with you on the same boat about figuring out who did it ha, it was kinda easy, the motive tho shocked me in a not so good way.
Walked Through Fire so far is different 🙂
Naomi Hop
I really enjoyed Cocky Bastard! I laughed a lot reading that, so enjoy!
Naomi Hop recently posted…Enticing Interlude by Michelle Mankin ~ Review & Quote-tastic
Lily B
i picked it up because of the great reviews 🙂
I had my granddaughter 2 nights last week, she’s 14 months and teething, getting molars so I got smiles, laughs, tantrums, tears, snuggles and mischief. I love having her but I was exhausted by the time she went home lol.
Your Halloween theme is so cute. Have a good week, I hope sleep picks up and enjoy your new reads!
Teddyree recently posted…It’s Sunday/Monday: Check-In Time
Lily B
yup that pretty much sums up the behavior its rough, especially at night
It looks like you got a lot of fun reads this week 🙂 I hope you enjoy them all!
I’m definitely going to check out the Caffeinated Book Club, groups are always a good way to pick up some interesting books.
Wattle recently posted…Wattle’s Wonderings #5
Lily B
yea i think it gives you some books you prob wouldnt normally pick up 🙂
Once upon a Zombie looks amazing! 🙂 Wow, I can’t believe you’ve got snow - or snowflakes, at least 🙂 - already! Yesterday was so hot here, we had an invasion of ladybugs, lol. They were clinging to the outside of the house en masse! Have a great week 🙂
Ramona recently posted…Fall Time Cozy Book Bag Tag
Lily B
oh gosh we had an invasion last year, that was… fun
I’m really curious about the Alice one. Happy reading my friend and enjoy all your new books!
Lily B
once upon a zombie? it does look fun
Anya @ On Starships and Dragonwings
Yey, I like doing weekly recaps too since it’s a nice way to wind down and see what you accomplished ;-). The little one sounds adorable!
No no no snow! I was it to be fall for at least another month D:
Anya @ On Starships and Dragonwings recently posted…Updates from the Lair 10/18/15
Lily B
We had one year where it dumped a foot of snow on Halloween, so I hope it wont be a repeat heh
I like the look of wrong bride 😀
Happy new week
Lily B
me too and so far its great
Kei @ The Lovely Pages Reviews
Looking forward to all the snow, hopefully we’ll get some this year! And it’s so cute that you read to your baby ♥
Kei @ The Lovely Pages Reviews recently posted…The Sunday Post [8]
Lily B
Thanks Kei! I hope you get some snow this year also 🙂
Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger
Awe poor baby! Teething is no fun! :/ OMG so many delicious looking books you got this week! I’m jelly 😉
Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger recently posted…Quote-tastic Review #3: Rescuing the Bad Boy
Lily B
nope no fun 🙁 heh thanks Sarah
Awe 8 months, he and Sophia are close in age. Everytime she gets a tooth, I do the night shift because her parents both work full-time..I know the zombie feel! I am reading Autumn Thorns now and enjoying it thus far. I have Young’s book coming up, I hope you liked it. Thanks for linking up and for the shout out about the book club!!
kimbacaffeinate recently posted…Dark Heart of Magic by Jennifer Estep
Lily B
yeah its kinda awesome that they are close in age, but it seems like you know exactly how nights can be. so awesome for you to pull the night shifts!
I can’t wait for Autumn Thorns!
Lily B
looks good don’t it
Eight months already. Teething is so hard. I hated when they starting crawling and walking and getting into everything, it was crazy. I don’t know how I survived it. I hope you have a better week and get some sleep in and some reading.
Heidi recently posted…Something Wicked Rises: Review, Interview and Giveaway: The Uninvited by Cat Winters
Lily B
It scares me Heidi! he wants to be everywhere . I might need to get those big play yard areas to keep him in one spot
Keionda@Keionda Hearts Books
I knew I wasn’t going crazy. Bahaha I knew you had a banner change and I love the fact that you’re getting into the Halloween spirit! I wish I could but nah, I’m too lazy teehee I’ve never seen snow but like a couple of times in my life and seeing it on TV doesn’t do it justice!♡
Lily B
nope you are not going crazy 😛 it happened
Jaclyn Canada
I’m loving the new Halloween themed header! Good luck on getting some more sleep! My son is 12 and I STILL buy him more books than me LOL. But the wonderful thing is getting to share that love of reading 😀
Jaclyn Canada recently posted…Sunday Cover Scramble [140]
Lily B
thats awesome Jaclyn, i hope to have that
Aww, they grow up so fast don’t they. Now that he’s starting to stand, you might start finding little chompy teeth marks in your furniture. Poor little bubs, when you see them with their bright red cheeks ad chomping on their little fists, you really feel for them.
Ohhh, SNOW! I’ve never seen snow. It’s on my bucket list one day though.
Can’t wait to see what you think of Magnus Chase <3
Kelly recently posted…The Next Together by Lauren James
Lily B
i have to admit every time i hear that it surprises me even thought i know climate is different at other parts of the world
Renee (Lover of Romance)
Halloween is such a fun holiday. I don’t do as much for it as I used to. But I still watch classic halloween movies and makes some goodies even though I live on my own. I really loved reading The Wrong Bride so I hope you enjoy it too, and isn’t the cover just so gorgeous. I can imagine how tired you must be with your little one. My nephew is 8 months, went through his teething a month ago, but my sister was pretty exhausted since my brother in law is working and going to school full time but he does try to help out when he can. But it’s so fun to see the little ones grow and develop. I have mixed feelings about snow coming soon…I like it but I don’t. But I do love it for Christmas time though.
Lily B
i love the cover! i am also enjoying the book, so far its fun!
Yeah my husband works 7 days a week in some cases and doesnt come home till dark so I been pretty out of it heh i get what your sister has been through
Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog
Oh my snowflakes??? It is getting colder here but not that cold!! Love the Halloween theme you have going!! I like the holiday way more now with kids. They really love to get dressed up and I love to pick out their costumes 🙂
Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog recently posted…Review ~ You
Lily B
yeah we are excited that even though he is so little to be doing first halloween with him 🙂
Melissa (Books and Things)
Aw poor sweet baby! Teething is hard. They grow so fast!!
Some good books listed there. I’m going to start Shallow Graves soon. Hope we both enjoy it! 🙂 Love the look to the blog!
Melissa (Books and Things) recently posted…Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
Lily B
It is, I am hoping we can get through this stage fast, but alas.. its slow.
Thanks Melissa! I do hope you enjoy your read 😀
Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings
Snow, oh my! Here in Scotland the weather is starting to drop with frost more and more frequent. I don’t mind this time of year, well as long as I don’t have to travel anywhere when the snow is bad!!
Coffee is the best, my babies are now 6 and 8 but I remember those days well, I miss the snuggles!!
Have a good week!
Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings recently posted…The Sunday Post #22 - 18th October 2015
Lily B
yeah me too, suddenly it goes from being pretty to pretty scary
aww, thats what i tell myself, ill take all the snuggles i can currently get 🙂
Magen Corrie
All the snuggles are the best! Looks like you had a good week 🙂
Lily B
they are Magen. Thank you!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
I remember those toddlerhood days - I’m impressed you get ANYTHING done!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Lily B
Trust me there is a lot I want to get done! heh
Brandi Breathes Books
Aw they grow up so fast, and can’t believe flakes are falling and its just fall
Lily B
I know, it can be frustrating!
Jeann @ Happy Indulgence
Awww the baby is a quick learner, it’s amazing just how fast they grow! I loved Magnus Chase, I hope you get some time to read it 🙂
Jeann @ Happy Indulgence recently posted…Mini Reviews #3 – Lullaby & Goodbye Stranger
Lily B
me too, so far I am loving it!
Red Iza
Welcome to The sunday post 😉 Wow, what a lovely banner you have here ! I remember when my daughters were 8 months old, trying to grab everything they could reach and growing teeth, I’m so glad it’s over now. Even if it looks cuter when I look back than when I actually lived it ! I also purchased Cocky bastard and sneaked a peek of the first pages, it looks like a lot of fun 🙂
Red Iza recently posted…Review / Wol-Vriey : Dr Orgasm
Lily B
it does look like fun! yeah he is at that stage lol have to keep a very very close eye out
Julie S
Aww my baby is about to be a year old, I totally know what you mean about teething crankyness. Sometimes all you’re allowed to do is hold the baby and walk circles around the living room Lol. We haven’t done these weekly posts but I’m thinking about a monthly wrap up maybe.
Julie S recently posted…Guest Post: Marie Landry’s Favorite YA and NA Books
Lily B
aww a year almost! wow yeah its flying by fast isn’t it? and yup, just sounds about right 😉
Trish @ Between My Lines
Murder on St. Nicholas Avenue looks good! And I’ve seen some GREAT reviews for Cocky Bastard so I’ve that one on my wishlist. Hope you love your new books and that your plans for more time to read work out!
Trish @ Between My Lines recently posted…Twitteresque Reviews: The Other Child, Mine to Spell, Ivory Terrors
Lily B
me too one of the reasons I picked it up. And I am loving Murder of St Nicholas Avenue, I love historical mysteries!
Aww that’s so sweet you’re already buying books for him and reading to him. I hope your husband wil be able to help a bit more once his season work is finished, so you have some more time to read. Looks like you got a good haul, I am especially looking forward to The Masked Truth, I love Kelley Armstrong her books!
Lola recently posted…Review: Star Wars The Phantom Menace by Terry Brooks
Lily B
Me too Lola! I have heard so many nice reviews of it, I knew I need to have it
Cait @ Paper Fury
omg that is SO WONDERFUL you read to your little guy so much!! I have a preschooling nephew and niece and I take them to the library every week and it’s like our FAVOURITE outing and we just sit and read all the books we can get our grubby mitts on. :’) I’m so proud that they’re already turning into bookworms. And their birthdays are coming up which means — THIS AUNYT IS GETTING THEM BOOKS. XD I hope you do get some rest soon!! I’ve watched my sister struggle with her little ones’ teething and omg, I feel for you!! I do!!
Cait @ Paper Fury recently posted…If I Covertly Sneaked Across The Globe And Kidnapped A Book Genie, Here Is What I’d Wish For
Cat @ Addicted 2 Heroines
I haven’t seen any reviews yet for The Masked Truth. Looking forward to reading your thoughts on it.
Cat @ Addicted 2 Heroines recently posted…Audiobook Review: Uprooted by Naomi Novik
The Once Upon a Zombie looks super good and of corse, Magnus Chase is exciting!!!
Happy Reading!!
I nominated you for the Encouraging Thunder Award btw!
Bean recently posted…Encouraging Thunder Award