The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
This week was actually a lot more fun. I had done more reading preparing for the reviews coming up next week. The weather also took a pleasant turn and we had one day in the 70s, so naturally I could not help but take the baby outside and have some fun. He loves being out on his play mat and due to the cold weather we have not been able to go out anymore. I took some pictures with all the beautiful colors of fall around him, which gave me my first fall baby photoshot 😉 my computer hates me, with the amount of raw files of photos I dump on it, but I haven’t done it in a while, so blah.
This week on the blog it be busy. I am participating in a few tours, including penguins WICKED READS: Devour them before they devour you campaign
Let’s see what happened on the blog this week?
On The Blog
The Adventuress (Lady Emily #10) by Tasha Alexander - Historical Mystery (Review)
Waiting on Wednesday: The Dirt on Ninth Grave (Charley Davidson #9) by Darynda Jones- A weekly meme
Review: Christmas at Twilight (Twilight, Texas #6) by Lori Wilde- Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Ghosts (Review)
Coming This Week
The Appearance of Annie van Sinderen by Katherine Howe - Review
Walk Through Fire (Chaos #4) by Kristen Ashley - Review
The Wrong Bride (Highland Weddings #1) by Gayle Callen - Review and Interview
One Wild Winter’s Eve (Honeycote #4) by Anne Barton - Release day Blitz and Interview
For Review
- The Girl Who Could Not Dream by Sarah Beth Durst
- The Appearance of Annie van Sinderen by Katherine Howe
- One Wild Winter’s Eve (Honeycote, #4) by Anne Barton
Thank you HMH Children’s Books, Forever and Penguins

Heidi at Rainy Day Ramblings is running her yearly Something Wicked Rises! Just in time for Halloween 🙂
I have read 44 out of 50 books for my challenge, a lot more than I anticipated
Ooo hurry up and read The Appearance of Annie van Sinderen by Katherine Howe. I am so curious about it. We have been trying to spend as much time outdoors as we can since it will be so bitter once winter hits…enjoy and I hope this week is just as fun!!
kimbacaffeinate recently posted…Sunday Post #184- Harry Potter
Lily B
hah yeah once the chill hit, blah. I finished it!
Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger
Awe, yay I am glad to hear the little one was able to enjoy the outside a little bit this week. 🙂 One Wild Winter’s Eve looks yummy!
Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger recently posted…Sunday Post #32: Moving Updates + New TV Show loves
Lily B
Doesn’t it? I love the cover
Congrats on the books and glad you got some nice weather!
kindlemom1 recently posted…Something Wicked Guest Post and Giveaway With Tyler H. Jolley
Lily B
me too since everything after that turned to blargh
Grace Fonseca
Awesome book hauling. I enjoyed the Anne Barton book a lot. I hope you do as well. Love the new header. So darn cute.
Grace @ Books of Love
Grace Fonseca recently posted…Sunday Love Affair #95: One Wild Winter’s Eve by Anne Barton
Lily B
oh now I gotta read your review ahah
Sophia Rose
That’s great that you got a lovely day to be outside with your little guy and get some good pictures.
Nice book haul!
Have a good week!
Sophia Rose recently posted…Born of Treasure by Jordan Elizabeth #YoungDelight
Lily B
Thanks Sophia 😉
It’s been nice here too for fall (except for a day or two where we had rain). But then today was great again. Nice review of The Adventuress, I’ve got that one to read here at some point. I like the LAdy Emily mysteries, some more than others, and Before the Shattered Glass was the last one I read. I’m curious about this one- as the Riviera setting sounds interesting.
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #114
Lily B
The writing was great, I’ll give her that, I did enjoy it
Moyer’s books are goood!
Braine recently posted…Bought, Borrowed & Bagged [173]
Lily B
so I hear 😀 that’s why I need them in my life
The Appearance of Annie van Sindere sounds really interesting, I’ve seen it around and it seems like a lot of people really like it! We have the opposite problem with the weather here, it’s still been in the 90’s :c
Alise recently posted…ARC Review: A Thousand Nights by E.K. Johnston
Lily B
90s?! my goodness, sounds very…warm hah. I like 70s, 70s is a good weather 😉 glad to hear a lot of people seem to like the book
Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog
YAY for nice weather. It is always good to be able to get outside as much as possible with the kids this time of year before it gets too cold. Love photoshoots in the fall. So pretty. Hope you have a great week and enjoy your new books!
Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog recently posted…Weekly Rewind ~ 10.25.15
Lily B
thanks Grace can’t wait to play with the pictures on my pc!
We also had some warmer weather here this week, it was pretty pleasant weather for fall. I hope you have some great pictures of your baby with the fall colours.
Your new books look goo! I like the cover for The Girl Who Could Not Dream, that title sounds intriguing.
You’re doing great with your challenge! I already reached my goal as I set my goal too low and I didn’t want to get stressed. Have a great week.
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #149
Lily B
yea I had the goal high at first and than I was like, I just had a baby how delusional, so I had to lower it 😉
Renee (Lover of Romance)
Its always great to take babies out in the fall weather, they love the leaves and change in colors. I am loving the fall weather. Earlier this past week it was pretty chilly, but then the weekend was pretty warm. Enjoyed it though, because I know we will be getting cold temperatures soon, so gotta enjoy it while it lasts. Love your loot of books. I do need to try out Anne Barton though.
Lily B
you haven’t tried Barton yet? oh wow! yes you need to try Barton, totally love her writing!
Luck you, we had one day of nice weather and it went downhill from there
Jennifer (Bad Bird Reads)
The color of her dress in One Wild Winter’s Eve is lovely!
Lily B
i love it too 😉
Walk Through Fire looks interesting!!
LilyElement recently posted…Giveaway: Wicked Reads
Lily B
at the moment its on the border of just okay for me ;/
Kristin @ My ParaHangover
Squeeeeee! I love the Halloween look on the blog!!! It looks so stinkin’ good! And booooo on loading up your computer. You mentioned loading up on RAW photos… I need to learn to work with those. I read somewhere this weekend I should have been all along. Yeah, right after I learn Lightroom (HA!).
OMG, The Appearance of Annie… looks soooooo creepy! *runs in circles screaming!*
Have a great week 😀
Lily B
yeah RAW can be a pain to work with but so rewarding honestly lets you fix some mistakes otherwise heh
Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight
Aww baby photoshoot! That sounds so, so sweet. Glad you had some nice weather to do it during! And the Wicked book tour thing sounds quite fun as well. Lovely haul, I hope you enjoy them, and have a fabulous week 😀
Lily B
yeah me too, cause the rest of the week was cold and bitter 🙁
Have a great reading week!
blodeuedd recently posted…Carole’s Sunday Review: Steering to freedom - Patrick Gabridge
Lily B
thank you!
Tracy Terry
As someone who is a vivid dreamer I’m always interested in books which feature dreams so I’m really looking forward to your reviewing The Girl Who Could Not Dream. Happy reading.
Lily B
me too! one of the reasons I picked it up 🙂
Ksenia @ Ksenia's Book Blog
Glad to hear you were able to go outside with you little one. Looking forward what you think about Fear the Dark.
Ksenia @ Ksenia’s Book Blog recently posted…What to do if another blogger came up with the same idea and posted it first?
Erin @ Paperbackstash
Aw, I didn’t know you had a baby
Fall pictures turn out so pretty usually
Looks like you have some great new books there