The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share News. A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog.
I had a good week this week. 5 Reviews done, mostly on the good side. I got 3 giveaways running and I also completed my goal of how many books I wanted to read for the year, 51/50! The narrowed down version anyway.
On the personal level, still not getting much sleep. Have really been enjoying more and more YA novels lately. My 8 month old is now wearing 12-18 months clothes and we been doing a lot of floor time. He is starting to pull himself up into a standing position on things and it’s making this mama all sad that its all moving so fast.
Also started a buddy read with Ali @ My Guilty Obsession the book is Shade Me by Jennifer Brown
On The Blog
- [2 Nov] Murder on St. Nicholas Avenue by Victoria Thompson ★★★★
- [4 Nov] The Wrong Bride (Highland Weddings, #1) by Gayle Callen ★★★½
- [5 Nov] Blood and Salt by Kim Liggett ★★★½
- [6 Nov] Trimmed With Murder: A Seaside Knitters Mystery (A Seaside Knitters Mystery, #10) by Sally Goldenbaum ★★★★
- [7 Nov] The Glass Arrow by Kristen Simmons ★★★★
Coming This Week
Fear the Dark (Bishop/Special Crimes Unit #16) by Kay Hooper - Review
Dragon on Top (Dragon Kin 0.4) by G.A. Aiken - Review
Rest Ye Murdered Gentlemen by Vicki Delany - Review and Giveaway
Plus whatever else I get done.
For Review

woohoo for really bad camera phone picture but no really. You see the new Darynda Jones book up there? Yup I am totally on cloud 9. And Dangerous Lies <3Thank you for these lovely copies Penguin, Berkley, Fierce Reads, Paula Berinstein, Minotaur Books , Simon & Schuster and St. Martin’s Press.
1. The Last Place on Earth by Carol Snow
2. Amanda Lester and the Pink Sugar Conspiracy (Amanda Lester, Detective, #1) by Paula Berinstein
3. Away in a Manger (Molly Murphy Mysteries, #15) by Rhys Bowen
4. Strange Girl by Christopher Pike
5. Dangerous Lies by Becca Fitzpatrick
6. The Dirt on Ninth Grave (Charley Davidson, #9) by Darynda Jones
7. Dead to the Last Drop: A Coffeehouse Mystery by Cleo Coyle
Have you entered any of the giveaways currently on the blog?
Grace Fonseca
All your books look fantastic. I hope you love all of your new books this week.
Grace @ Books of Love
Grace Fonseca recently posted…Stacking The Shelves, Bought, Borrowed and Bagged, Coloring Book Updates
Lily B
thanks Grace, me too. I already started a few of them
Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger
The new books look yum, hope you enjoy them! Isn’t it sad when babies grow up so fast?
Sarah @ One Curvy Blogger recently posted…My TBR List #4 - Time to Vote!
Lily B
First year is a blur i hear and its turning out to be it!
Sorry you still aren’t getting a lot of sleep, it that because your little one is still waking up a lot at night? If so have you tried giving him baby cereal before bed at all? Sometimes that helps fill their tummy and helps them sleep longer if that is why he is waking up. 😉 Or maybe it is teething? My youngest started teething super early. We used the Hyland teething tablets for her and they really helped and are all natural! Either way, good luck with it!!
And look at all those wonderful ARCs! So excited for you! Congrats!!
kindlemom1 recently posted…Blog Tour Review: Stars of Fortune by Nora Roberts
Lily B
he is teething, we are using tablet for him too and it does seem to help, but he does still wake up a lot. I hear the teething pain can be worse at night. I believe I tried the cereal and it did not help, which lead me to believe it might be the pain ;/ usually we will give him something for it and a bottle and he will sleep for a few more hours before waking up again.
Brandi Breathes Books
Last Place on Earth looks like it will be a good one. Hope you enjoy and have a great rest of the weekend and week ahead.
Lily B
thanks Brandi, I loved the blurb for it!
Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog
Glad you had a good week! I am with you not getting much sleep. I am over it really. And yes it goes by so quick with the little ones! Hope you enjoy your new books and have a great week!
Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog recently posted…Weekly Rewind ~ 11.8.15
Lily B
yeah he is like 3 months away from1 year and it just boggles me how fast time is flying. I just accept my faith as a zombie these days lol
A Voracious Reader
So jelly of the Darynda Jones book! 😀 Yep, kids grow up so fast. My oldest is 30 and my youngest is 15. But I have one grandbaby and another on the way, so take heart. You have many many milestones ahead of you to rejoice in. 🙂
A Voracious Reader recently posted…The Sunday Post ~ 117th Edition
Lily B
oh I am loving every minute of it, its just going by so fast. He went from trying to crawl to pulling himself up to stand in a blink of an eye!
I’m completely dancing a jig for you and Darynda’s book!!! And hey, your phone’s not that bad 🙂
Babies NEVER wear the size on their clothes! They always wear the bigger stuff. And sleep is completely overrated. It’ll get better - you won’t even remember not getting sleep. You lose those brain cells!! tee, hee!
Kristin recently posted…Sunday Post #66: Big Changes This Coming Week!
Lily B
I was so excited when it showed up, my husband looked at me funny.
Lol he is in the 85 percentile last time he got checked. He has another appointment coming up and I know he is going through another growth spurt right now, I can’t keep up. I do know a few people who have kids that are smaller than him and are older o.o so its kinda like oh my
Bea @Bea's Book Nook
You had a good week book and blogging wise. Sorry you’re not getting much sleep; is the baby keeping you up?
Off to check out some of your reviews now. 🙂
Have a good week!
Lily B
yeah a bit, he tends to wake up a bit at night, I think it mostly has to do with teething.
Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings
Babies grow up so fast, mine are 6 and 8, where do the years go??
Have a good week and enjoy your new reads!
Heather @ Random Redheaded Ramblings recently posted…The Sunday Post #25 - 8th November 2015
Lily B
Yeah I am learning that quickly Heather. Oh wow, 6 and 8 must be fun ages 🙂
Eeeeek, dirt!
blodeuedd recently posted…#FitReaders Check-In: November 6, 2015
Lily B
haha yes!
Sounds like a good week with so many reviews written and reaching your reading goal! It’s a great feeling reaching your goal. I hope you can get more sleep this week.
I also have a very bad camera, making pictures can be quite the struggle, but hey at least as you still can show what you want to show right? I hope I can get a new camera eventually.
Looks like you got soem great books this week. I hope you’ll enjoy the Amanda Lester book, it sounds like an awesome series. I have the first book on my to-read list. I hope you’ll have a great week!
Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #151
Lily B
thanks Lola, me too. I love the cover, I was glad to stumble upon the blog tour on your site! I can’t wait to read it, looks super cute.
Sophia Rose
Glad you had a good week! Ooh, nice pile of books. The Becca Fitzpatrick looks good and definitely the Darynda Jones. Enjoy!
Sophia Rose recently posted…The Adventuress by Tasha Alexander
Lily B
Don’t they? I can’t wait to read them!
Your little one must be big. Sophia is 9 months and wears 9-12 months but she is 17 lbs and taller than average. Hehe..don’t rush the pulling up. Now that she is walking she is into every dang thing! It is crazy, I forgot and wonder how i handled 3 little ones. Glad you are meeting your goals and hope this week is just as amazing.
kimbacaffeinate recently posted…Sunday Post #186 All the Leaves are Brown and the Sky is Grey….
Lily B
he was in the 85 percentile last time he had his check up at 7 months and I think he just recently went through another growth spurt. Oh I am kinda glad he isn’t able to completely get into things yet, I might have to throw everything out the window just so its not in his way hah
I have all of these in my TBR list, but I don’t have any of them yet. I hope you love them all 🙂
Lily B
me too! I started some of them I was so excited
Nick @ Nick & Nereyda's Infinite Booklist
I hope you get some rest soon, Lily!
Your haul is super epic! I’ll be reading Dangerous Lies soon hopefully, and I’m hoping I’ll like it.
Happy reading! 🙂
Nick @ Nick & Nereyda’s Infinite Booklist recently posted…The Weekly Recap (167)
Lily B
I’m currently reading it, this is my first book by her and so far I am enjoying it. Can’t wait to see your review on it Nick!
Jennifer (Bad Bird Reads)
Wow, you got some great books. Wow, big baby. lol
Jennifer (Bad Bird Reads) recently posted…Stacking the Shelves #154: Thicker Than Water
Lily B
hah thanks Jen and just a little 😉
Jennifer (Bad Bird Reads)
So many pretty books! hehe. Wow, the baby is getting big.
Jennifer (Bad Bird Reads) recently posted…Stacking the Shelves #154: Thicker Than Water
yay for all the new books! happy reading!
Lily B
Thanks Melliane!
Christy LoveOfBooks
Aw, I remember when my son was just learning to push himself up. Now he’s in college. So weird how it seem like yesterday. Wheee the new Darynda Jones book. I still need to read the last one.
Christy LoveOfBooks recently posted…November 9 by Colleen Hoover
Lily B
oh gosh I know, time flies o.o its scary not sure I want to think about the teenage years to come!
heh yeah I was super excited when it arrived <3
Renee (Lover of Romance)
Looks like a great group of books!! Its always good to mix things up by changing up genres.
Lily B
it is, totally missing more good romance though
Tracy Terry
Wow, you did have a busy week. Looking forward to those reviews, especially Away In A Manger.
Lily B
Can’t wait to read that one Tracy
I remember those sleepless nights. Hopefully he will push through this and you will get a bit more rest. It is hard. I was just saying last night how nice it is to finally be able to take our kids out to restaurants and enjoy ourselves. You will get there. Wow! What a haul. I can’t believe you snagged a copy of Ninth Grave that is awesome. Enjoy!
Heidi recently posted…Review: Forbidden(Luna Lake #1) by Cathy Clamp
Lily B
That does sound nice Heidi! Yeah, I forget everything and the lack of sleep every time he smiles 😀
Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf
Lots of great books! Enjoy them and your baby’s first everything!
Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf recently posted…Cat Thursday – Thankful for new appliances that come in large boxes!!
Lily B
Thanks Melissa!
Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight
Fabulous haul! I am excited for The Last Place on Earth, and I have heard some really great things about Dangerous Lies!
And I feel you about the time going WAY too fast. I ugly cried yesterday because my daughter is going to start preschool in two weeks, and I swear she was just a baby yesterday! Watching them grow up is somehow both the best thing AND the worst thing in the world. Enjoy every minute!! 🙂
Naomi Hop
Time flies… in no time your man will be walking! Then the chasing begins!
Enjoy your reads! Jealous you have Dangerous Lies. I enjoy some YA for a change too!
Naomi Hop recently posted…No Kissing Allowed by Melissa West ~ Review & Swoon Thursday
I have Dangerous Lies coming up too.
Hopefully you’ll get more sleep!
Karen @For What It’s Worth