Weekly Recap
I’ve had a mixed reading week. It’s been a bit slow going ever since I read AN EX FOR CHRISTMAS BY LAUREN LAYNE. I really enjoyed it and it started my Christmas reading kick, unfortunately, it doesn’t feel like it’s going so well. A lot of Christmas books that I enjoy are romances, but for some reason Romances have not been working for me lately, so I am feeling a bit stuck.
I own about 127 Christmas books. You know what that makes me? A Christmas book Hoarder, heh. So I will try and power through them.
Have you guys read anything really interesting lately? Looking to see what are your five star reviews this week/month.
Are you in the Christmas spirit yet? We are getting our tree soon, so that is exciting. I’m probably going to update the layout today or tomorrow, so hopefully I can start getting into the spirit myself.
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer
Last Week On The Blog
- [27 Nov] Poison by Galt Niederhoffer ★
- [28 Nov] Addison Cooke and the Tomb of the Khan by Jonathan W. Stokes ★★★★
- [29 Nov] An Ex for Christmas by Lauren Layne ★★★★½
- [3 Dec] Weekly Wrap up #17 - Slow Reading
Currently Reading

New Arrivals

I was trying to pick a Christmas book to read and none were calling my name so I moved on to something else. I did request a book by Erin Hildebrand from the library that seems to be winter related so that might work. I’ve really enjoyed Sarah Morgan’s books before (actually I read a really great Christmas one by her now that I say that) so I hope you enjoy. Have a great week and happy reading!
I am into the Christmas spirit now, definitely, now that the tree is up. Plus Christmas music. 🙂 Moonlight over Manhattan and Winter in wondrland both look like fun reads for the holidays.
127 Christmas books? That’s impressive. 🙂
I didn’t have a single 5 star read in all of November! I have a few Christmas books I plan on diving into. I heard the Lauren Layne book was good! Glad to see you enjoyed it! Have a great week!
We decorated today and have had the Christmas music playing all day so I’m starting to get into the holiday spirit. I don’t read many Christmas themed books but did read a few good ones while I was participating in the HoHoHo Readathon last month. Now I’m just back to my regular reads though. I hope you have a great week!
Hope your reading picks up. WOW on 127 Christmas books. We just put up our tree this weekend and I love it. Have a great week!
I don’t think I can be in the Christmas spirit until it snows more. It’s still too warm. Have a great week, and enjoy your new books!
Some of the mystery series do Christmas themes. I remember a few thrillers set during the holidays, but I’ll have to see if I can remember the titles.
I’m a hoarder, too, since I have a ton of unread books, mostly on my Kindle. 😉
I have to slide into Christmas spirit and do a little at time.
Have a good week, Lily!
I’m not much fo a christmas reader, I must admit, but DAMN 127 Christmas books? I am impressed!!
WOW; You really are a Xmas book hoarder
some interesting books for you! happy reading!
Christmas book hoarder! Such fun! I haven’t read a Christmas theme book in a while now, but maybe that’s because like you said most of them are all romances. I’m kind of an action-packed fan. 🙂
Christmas book hoarder! Such fun! I haven’t read a Christmas themed book in a while now, but like you said most of them are romances. I’m more kind of an action packed lover.
127 Christmas books. Whoa Lily, that’s a lot of romps in the snow. Do you think you’re looking for something more than just a romance, maybe something in another genre or even a YA or MG title instead? I’ve been looking for Christmas themed YA books and struggling to find any that I haven’t read yet. My favourite is still Dash & Lilly’s Book of Dares. It’s so hot in Australia over Christmas that the New York snow sounds wonderful.
Oh my gosh, Lily, you really are a Christmas book hoarder 😀 I love Christmas stories, because the overall feeling in them is always so festive 🙂
I don’t read too many holiday books but there is no real reason why… I think it is just because so many other books come out at the same time. Hope you have fun plowing through all those books! Hope it makes you quite festive! 😀 No tree for me this year… monster pup would be in too much trouble if I tried to decorate something she thinks should be edible. LOL
127 Christmas books, wow! That is a lot. Hope you have a good time going through them. 🙂
I love Christmas, but I confess Christmas stories never seem to work amazingly well for me . . . However, if you have 127 of them, I’m pretty sure I could find something interesting 😛
Fingers crossed you get to really enjoy a lot of reads before the New Year kicks in!
Christmas is my favorite time of the year, and yet strangely enough, I don’t have many (if any) Christmas themed books.
127 Christmas books! I own like.. none xD none that I can think of, at least 😀 but maybe I should grab at least one 🙂 to get into the feel of the season…
Have a great week 🙂
I’m thinking of picking up Moonlight Over Manhattan as soon as I shut the laptop. I had two reads this weekend that were a disappointment, and since then I’m having a hard time picking my next read so I feel your pain. Let’s hope we both love our next book! Hope you get an awesome tree! 🙂
I read really slow, oh well. Just dont stress aboit it and enjoy what you do get to read. I loved an ex for christmas. I thought the reader was slow and boring…