Series: Ingrid Winter Misadventure #2
Published by AmazonCrossing on February 1st 2018
Genres: Womens Fiction
Pages: 234
Format: Kindle Edition
Source: Publisher
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I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
Professor Ingrid Winter seems to have it all. But she can’t help feeling like everything’s crumbling around her—just like the roof on her family home.
Now she and her husband are on the hook for repairs they can barely afford, and lack of funds means her husband must cancel his dream trip to Italy. Their three daughters are growing up too fast, her latest batch of students are more disaffected than ever, and there’s no one that she’s not disappointing. To top it all off, Mr. and Mrs. Perfect have moved in right next door.
Overwhelmed and anxious, Ingrid’s ready to take a hike. And the whole family, including Gramps, is coming along. A staycation in the mountains of Norway may be just what the Winters need. But will tromping through nature help Ingrid find the right path or send her deeper into the woods?
Ingrid Winters is a professor that seems to have it all, until things starts to fall apart around her.
Now Ingrid and her husband are on the fence because of the repairs they can barely afford on their home, and has put a wedge into her husband’s dream vacation to Italy. Her latest batch of students at the university are distracted and disinterested and to top everything off, a new couple Mr and Mrs Perfect move in next door.
This was….
I don’t know how to rate this book.
Ingrid was… An interesting character enough. I know people rated this book poorly in the past because they found Ingrid not very related, and a very unlikable character. I actually did not complete hate her. To me, she seemed real, and very much someone I can relate to. Motherhood isn’t perfect and neither is marriage, we get caught up in things we should not and we deal with things differently, sometimes with just the heat of the moment. I think because of translation, there was probably a bit of cultural disconnect, or people don’t feel comfortable admitting that there is a part of us in someone like Ingrid.
Ingrid wasn’t perfect. She got frustrated with her husband because of the roof incident and him not being able to work on it and she had every right to, especially when he decided to take the project on himself instead of paying for the contractor. There was a definite strain on their relationship to the point where Ingrid was questioning rather the two are going to get a divorce, but their marriage prevailed when both parties realized their short comings and maybe there was some truth in how Ingrid felt about the situation.
The story is simple and basically follows Ingrid as she navigates her life, parenting, and marriage. It’s not always pretty, there is strain, she ignores her middle child at some point because of the amount of stress she is already under. What I mean by ignores is that she forgot about her middle child’s play in school while she tried to deal with the fact that their house has a hole in the roof, her husband refusing to acknowledge the fact that the neighbor who promised to help, isn’t, the school is giving her problems because her rating is low among the teachers, her youngest child is being bullied in school and the list goes on. People did not like that, I found it realistic, especially when you take into the account everything that was going around Ingrid. We all want to be the perfect mothers, but we are also humans and I found her short comings very human, even if they are not favorably viewed and frowned upon.
Overall, I found this a quick read. There is a lot going on at the same time not much happens because the whole book is just about Ingrid navigating her life. There are cultural differences that get lost on anyone not living in the same part of the world.
Also, there is a bit of rambling, but that could be part of how it was translated.
I don’t quite think this one is for me. I wanted a fun holiday read, but Ingrid sounds a bit too prickly for me. I think I will skip. Thanks for the helpful review.
This sounds like a good read still, even if it’s simple like that.
Sometimes translations just lose something. I’ve read a few that I wished I could read in the native tongue and see if it changed my opinion. I do think I’d pass on this one but thanks for the brilly review!
Yes, I think you hit the nail on the head about why some books just aren’t going to be the most popular- they hold up a mirror to us and we sometimes don’t like what we see- too real.
I like books that tell a story of getting through the tough regularly life stuff once in a while- the what happens after the happily ever after.
Great review, Lily!
I’m totally okay with a character that has flaws. I actually can’t stand it when the MC is “oh so perfect”. It drives me nuts. However, this doesn’t sound like a book for me. <3
It can be hard to completely enjoy a book like this. It is always easier to enjoy books when you really like the characters. I could probably really relate to her though since real life isn’t always easy.
I like when characters are portrayed in a realistic manner, flaws and all. However, this is not a book I would enjoy. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
It could be good. I didn’t know about this one
I think I like Ingrid, and how the author portrays her and her family realistically.
Ingrid actually sounds more relatable than unlikable. Someone who is flawed and struggling and questioning her choices. I’m not sure there’s enough there to make me really want to pick this one up, but it does sound like an interesting character study amidst some stressful situations.
Sounds like it would have been a very good Lily, but I’m not sure if I will like Ingrid as well. The cover sure looks cute though 🙂
Thnaks for your honest review, Lily. I love how realistic it feels. Always like a character who has many flaws. Awesome review, my friend. 😁❤️
I find unlikable MCs difficult sometimes, but with the right book it can work.
Hehe, I’m not sure I would like Ingrid as a character. Sounds like an interesting theme though. Great review. 😉