Weekly Recap
Happy Weekend everybody. It’s been a while since I did one of these weekly recaps. January was kind of a slow moving month for me, not a lot of reading done and that worried me, but I fell into such a slump.
February has got better, I have been in such a Historical Fiction kick and have found a few lovely reads.
My son’s birthday was on the 18th, he turned 3 years old. I cannot believe how fast the time flew. We end up going to NYC for his birthday and those who live on the east coast might have felt the brunt of that Winter Storm that decided to come out of nowhere on Saturday. Just when we were getting 60s, rain and some green showing, we get slapped with the cold again. Not surprising, I don’t expect to see Spring this soon in PA.
Hope this week was a bit better for most people, I get scared to open the news lately, it really feels scary and sad. Not to mention my hockey team is decided to trade everything they can because they are losing out this season, it’s stressful watching your favorite players depart the team. Being any kind of sports fan seem to be quite hard.
Enough rambling. Did you guys read anything amazing this week? How did your week go? Leave your comments below I’d love to drop by your blogs!
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer
Last Week On The Blog
- [23 Feb] Letters to the Lost by Iona Grey ★★★★½
- [24 Feb] At the Stroke of Midnight by Tara Sivec ★★★★
- [25 Feb] March Take Control Of Your TBR Pile Challenge
- [25 Feb] Weekly Wrap Up #18
Currently Reading

New Arrivals

My family is in NY and it’s been interesting seeing all of their photos online. One day they are posting “spring” photos and how warm it is, then the next they are posting all the snow that’s fallen. It’s been crazy over there.
Yay for the birthday boy. They do grow up fast.
Yes, the trades for the sports teams can leave one so bummed. And bummer that you had a book slump, too. Glad the HF has brought you out of it a little.
Very nice haul, there! Happy reading, Lily!
Well Yay for going to NYC but boo for a random winter storm. This time of year the weather everywhere is so unpredictable! Hope you have a good week!
I feel your pain on the hockey side, it’s hard to see a team rebuild and shed good players. I hope Unearthed is turning out to be a good read, I kind of want to read that one. and Waking Gods I read the first one, but haven’t gotten to the sequel yet.
Glad February has been better for you. TIme does fl doesn’t it? My oldest turns 6 in March and I can’t believe it. I am so ready for Spring! Hope you enjoy your new books and have a great week!
I am in PA also, and its been a rainy week and lots of flooding. Hope this week is better!!
I had a pretty good week. I got to spend a lot of time with my niece and nephew and I read some fantastic books. I also read a few books that I really disliked. The books I loved were: Emily of Deep Valley, Bread & Wine and That Camden Summer.
I’m glad you’ve been in such a Historical Fiction kick, it’s quite a captivating genre, isn’t it? I’m also intrigued by the books you are currently reading, I really hope you are enjoying them a lot!
P.S. Happy belated birthday to your son 🙂
I’m glad to see that you had a much better reading month Lily, mine has been a bit over the place too, but it’s great when you’re able to devour some books from one genre! I hope you have a great week 🙂
Ohh that Morrow one looks good!
I can’t wait to read Only Human! Happy reading!
We’re having a cold and rainy snap here in Southern California which is unusual for us. Glad to hear you had a nice BD with your son. 🙂 Bummer about your hockey team. 🙁
I’m craving some Historical Fiction to lately 🙂 aww 3 years old! I love that age. Hope he had dun during his birth Can think of a better place to celebrate at than NYC! 🙂
I read From Lukov with Love this week and LOVED it!