Weekly Recap
This was felt really long! Husband is slowly back to work so it’s only been me and my 3 year old son, so it’s been quiet the week. This always comes with a healthy dose of stress as we try to kind of find another rhythm in our lives now that Spring is teasing us with it’s presence and summer around the corner. We got to go to the park a little and spend some time outside.
So I apparently shop for books while I stress, so it’s not a good thing, heh according to my husband. I am really in the mood for some light spring reads. Does anyone have any suggestion?
My Mystery Wrap Book this week was — Catacomb (Asylum #3) by Madeleine Roux
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer
Last Week On The Blog
- [11 Apr] The Train of Lost Things by Ammi-Joan Paquette ★★★★½
- [12 Apr] Hounded by Kevin Hearne ★★★★½
- [14 Apr] Twenty-One Days by Anne Perry ★★★★½
- [15 Apr] Weekly Wrap Up #24
Currently Reading/Listening to

New Arrivals

Not That I Could Tell has a pretty cool cover. My reading mood changes almost on a daily basis. So sometimes my spring reading is a light romance. Other times I want to read young adult. 🙂
I can recommend The Sunday Lunch Club which I’ll be reviewing on Wednesday 🙂 that book was such a spring read. It was great.
Hope you have a great week!
Oh I love being able to go to the park now that the weather is turning. I buy books when stressed too - that and clothes. Online shopping is dangerous! Have a great week!
Sigh, I still have not read Morton! It has been on my library wishlist for aaaaaaaaaaages
It’s hard to get in a rhythm when the season is changing or- can’t make up its mind. LOL I stress shop for books too. 🙂
Nice haul you have there. I’ve been meaning to try Kate Morton, too.
Light spring reads are always nice this time of year. I don’t know if I have any good suggestions but Love & Luck is coming out May 8th by Jenna Evans Welch, and looks fun? And her earlier book Love & Gelato is out and was pretty good…
Not That I Could Tell is one I definitely want to read.
If the weather would stay one way or another it would be so much easier to get used to. But Spring, seems to not want to stay. Lol.. The cover on The Distant Hours is gorgeous, I am will have to check it out. Thanks for stopping by earlier. 🙂
That’s great you got to the park for a bit! I am enjoying some nicer weather here and there. It’s been raining all day today, but I think it’s supposed to stop this week and give us some MORE nicer days. *fingers crossed* lol
I have the Royals every week but different times. Like last week they arrived at 7:30 am and this week not until 9:30ish, so it always takes a day or two to find our rhythm. LOL yep shopping for books is a stress reliever!
Spring At The Cosy Cottage Cafe is one I’m going to read. It’s so nice to feel spring in the air. Been the craziest winter!
My Sunday Post
Stress book-buying, huh? Sounds legit and your husband should sympathize with your condition. 😉 The cover of Catacomb is seriously creepy! My husband reads the Iron Druid series (on Kindle, not the audio versions) and he really enjoys it.
Heh. I was supposed to go to the bookstore today but hubby fell asleep.
Have a great week!
That would be an adjustment. Hope this week has settled a little more. The Strawser looks good!
I WISH I could buy more books when I’m stressed, but alas, I’m still a student and don’t have my own steady income yet. Book shopping is definitely calming, though, no matter how bad it is for our wallets!
The weather definitley plays into our moods, I know I am more uptight and anxious when it is gray and rainy. Hoping more sunshine really will appear this week. I recently read and loved The Recipe Box. You should check it out.
I started the Iron druid series and it was book 1 DNF for me 🙁 I also want to read the Asylum series! Maybe this fall when I’m in the mood for dark and scary !
I am listening to the first book in the Iron Druid series right now and am really enjoying it. I buy books when I am stressed, bored, and really just all the time. Going to the park sounds like a lot of fun! Have a great week!