Weekly Recap
Long stressful week, month. I need to put up my May Wrap up and guys, I don’t think I read a single ebook this month. The entire month of May was either a physical book or audiobook. How? Well, my kindle isn’t working well and that is what I use for my ebooks. The battery on it keeps running out anytime I try to read it , it’s low so I spend hours battling to charge it and if the wire moves it won’t charge. So that has not been fun, so I have been more into my physical books. I have been enjoying that. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to get a new one till at least August. I have been saying money to buy myself a lens and that has been a priority, so after that is out of the way, I’ll start putting money away for a new kindle.
Other than that, I am almost half way done with planting my garden so that is exciting!
I have read 54 Books this year so far and am still 4 books ahead of my challenge.
Also thank you Kim from Caffeinated Reviewer for helping me with some site stuff I have not understood in order to get my stuff sorted.
My Mystery Wrap book was - Was hoping to have one for you today but still chipping away at Everything I Never Told You
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer
Last Week On The Blog
- [28 May] Monsoon Mansion: A Memoir by Cinelle Barnes ★★★★
- [30 May] The Optimist's Guide to Letting Go by Amy E. Reichert ★★★★
- [3 Jun] Weekly Wrap Up #27 - Slow
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